- masculine grammatical gender 语法阳性
- English has lost most word-ending inflectional changes, including grammatical gender of nouns. 英语在其发展过程中失去了大多数词尾的屈折变化,包括名词语法上的性概念范畴。
- Agreement in grammatical gender between a generic name and Latin or latinized adjectival or participial species-group names combined with it originally or subsequently. 是指一个属名和原来或后来相与组合的拉丁文或拉丁化形容词或分词性的种群名称之间的文法性属的一致。
- In the third place, English enjoys an exceptional advantage over all other major Europe languages in having adopted natural in place of grammatical gender. 第三点,英语,在已经接受为自然的、语法的性的代替方面,比所有其它主要欧洲语言享有异常的优势。
- Neither masculine nor feminine in gender. 中性的既非阳性也非阴性的
- agreement in grammatical gender between words in the same construction. 同一结构中单词间合乎语法的性的一致性。
- Either masculine or feminine in gender. 阴性的或阳性的
- agreement in grammatical gender between words in the same construction 同一结构中单词间合乎语法的性的一致性
- A word or word form of the masculine gender. 阳性词,阳性形式
- Neither masculine nor femininein gender. 中性的既非阳性也非阴性的。
- This noun subscribes to the masculine gender. 这个名词是阳性名词。
- E antibody shows masculine gender, how? e抗体呈阳性,怎么了?
- He likes to show off his masculine physique. 他喜欢炫耀他的阳刚之气。
- Host is the masculine noun for hostess. host是与hostess相对应的阳性名词。
- You've made several grammatical mistakes in the composition. 你的作文中犯了几处语法错误。
- In general, a grammatical clause contain a subject and a predicate. 一般说来,一个合乎文法的子句包含有主词与述语。
- How is pylorus helix bacili masculine gender is met? 幽门螺旋杆菌是阳性会怎么样?
- What meaning is the RHD in blood test is masculine gender? 验血中的RHD为阳性是什么意思?
- There are many grammatical errors in his composition. 他那篇作文里有许多文法错误。
- The means that second liver antibody is masculine gender what? 乙肝抗体为阳性的意思是什么啊?