- At the end of the 1960s, with the decline of masculinism, a completely new artistic school called feminism appeared in the West. 摘要20世纪60年代末,随着“男性主义”的衰落,在西方艺术领城出现了一个全新的艺术流派-女性主义。
- But,as influenced by his deep-rooted traditional ideology of masculinism,the images of fiery women also reflect Lao-She s dilemma of value tropism. 但是老舍所受传统思想的影响又是根深蒂固的,这些悍妇的形象分明体现出作者潜在的男权意识,表现出其潜在的价值两难取向。
- This narrative as such presents clearly the prejudice of masculinism and man-centeredness held by the contemporary male authors and the mainstream social discourse represented by these authors. 这种“女性叙事”反映了当代男性作者及其代表的社会主流话语所持有的女性观念依然打上了深刻的男权烙印和男性中心意识。
- Unconsciously, this principle concludes the awakening of the female individual into the category of the awakening of the male individual so that from the very beginning it lost its way in masculinism. 此种准则在有意无意之中将女性个体的觉醒纳入了男性个体觉醒的范畴,致使其从一开始就陷入了男性主义的迷途。
- Key words: Peal. S. Buck ; The Good Earth ; feminism ; masculinism 作者简介:黄玲,女,1967年生,硕士,讲师,主要研究方向为英语语言学。
- viraginityn. 子女男性化
- masculinismn. 女子男征
- masculinn. 雄性激素
- le nom masculin - n.m. 阳性名词: