- masses feeling standpoint 群众情感观
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Never stand aloof from the masses. 千万不可脱离群众。
- She enjoyed high prestige among the masses. 她在群众中享有很高威信。
- He is liked by the classes and the masses. 上层社会的人士和普通的民从都喜欢他。
- The masses gain experience through struggle. 群众通过斗争可以取得经验。
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。
- He maintained close ties with the masses. 他和群众保持着密切的联系。
- Our policy must be made known to the broad masses. 我们的政策必须让广大民众都知道。
- His concern for the masses made an indelible impression on us. 他对群众的关怀给我们留下不可磨灭的印象。
- The more of the masses we unite with, the better. 我们联合起来的群众越多,就越有利。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- There were masses of dark clouds in the sky. 天上有朵朵乌云。
- After harvest we will have a mass of rice. 秋收后,我们将获得大量稻谷。
- She says she doesn't like children in the mass. 她说从总体上讲她不喜欢孩子。
- Something that has formed lumpy or fluffy masses. 絮凝物形成团状或棉絮状块的东西
- The masses have boundless creative power. 人民群众有无限的创造力。
- A good leader should always pay heed to the voice of the masses. 一位好领导应该经常注意倾听群众的呼声。
- Made up of or containing woolly masses. 絮凝的由絮状物构成的或含絮状物的
- It is essential to rally the broad masses of the people round. 把广大人民群众团结起来是极为重要的。