- materia dentica [医] 牙科药物
- You cannot take on any more Materia. 你不能再携带更多的魔石了。
- Selections of Chinese materia medica used in Guangxi. 广西本草选编。
- Pocket Atlas of Differentiation of Chinese Materia Medica II. 袖珍中药材鉴别图谱2。
- Plants obsord mineral and other nutrition materia from earth. 植物从泥土中吸收矿物质和其他养料。
- Materia ad floram Cucurbitacearum sinensium -- Hemsleya Cogn. 中国葫芦科植物志资料 -- 雪胆属.
- Materia ad floram Orchidacearum sinensium -- Amitostigma Schltr. 中国兰科植物志资料 -- 无柱兰属.
- Do not p!ace combustib!e materia! within fire spark range. 在火花能喷射到的地方禁止放置易燃物品。
- In materia medica you'll learn how to figure out doses and prepare medicines. 在药物学课上你会学会怎样计算出药的剂量和配制药。
- Materia Medica Research and Clinical Application of Plumbago Zeylanica L. 白花丹的药学研究与临床应用概述。
- One of the required subjects in a course of nursing is known as materia medica. 培养护士过程中必修课之一是药物学。
- In the Fallen World, the prima materia is known in two states,Mana and tass. 在下界的原初物质有两种已知形态:玛娜与塔斯。
- Do not stand a !adder on !oose materia! or !ean it against fragi!e materia!. 不要将梯子安放在松软或靠在易塌的物件上。
- Notes from the Compendium of Materia Medica "Liang, licorice, is Beiqi. 本草纲目注名的“梁外甘草,正北芪。”
- Make sure that materia!s are stacked on firm and !eve! base in a tidy manner. 确保材料整齐地堆放在牢固和稳定的平面上。
- According to Compendium of Materia Medica, garlic has antibacterial function that strengthens the body's immune system. 具杀菌作用。根据《本草纲目》,大蒜含杀菌及增强抵抗力的作用。
- Whose edible and medicinal effects have been seen in Compendium of material Medica and Shennong Materia Medica. 竹笋的食用,药用价值可见于《神农本草》、本草纲目》。
- Fingerprint of Chinese materia medica and research methods of quality standard for Ganoderma spp. 中药指纹图谱与灵芝质量标准研究方法。
- Screed material and floor screeds - Screed materia - Properties and requirements. 刮板材料和地面刮板。刮板材料。特性和要求。