- This classification between material and spiritual pleasures is therefore contusing, unintelligible and untrue for me. 所以,在我看来,这种物质上和精神上的欢乐的分别是混乱的,莫明其妙的,不真实的。
- This classification between material and spiritual pleasures is therefore contusing,unintelligible and untrue for me. 所以,在我看来,这种物质上和精神上的欢乐的分别是混乱的,莫明其妙的,不真实的。
- We must address ourselves to the problem of both material and spiritual civilization without any letup. 两手抓两手都要硬。
- Urbanization process has promoted the rapid growth of human material and spiritual wealth of human society. 城市化进程推动了人类社会人类物质财富和精神财富的迅速增长
- Remarkable achievements have been scored in both the material and spiritual civilization. 中国的物质文明建设和精神文明建设都取得了举世瞩目的成就
- In the 20th century, mankind has created material and spiritual wealth unmatched by any other time in history. 20世纪,人类创造的物质和精神财富,超过了以往任何一个时代。
- This classification between material and spiritual pleasures is therefore confusing, unintelligible and untrue for me. 因此对于我来说,精神享受和物质享受的区分是混乱的、难以理解的、不真实的。
- I was supported by him both materially and spiritually. 我在物质上和精神上都得到他的支持。
- Form both the tea material and spiritual sense, the tea cultural resources appear colorfully ecological values. 茶文化旅游资源在物质基础和精神实质方面都蕴含较为丰富的生态观。
- In order to meet his material and spiritual needs, man hunts and fishes on a large scale. 为了满足物质和精神的需求,人类大肆捕获代表自然神力的猎物。
- They were supported by us both materially and spiritually. 他们既得到了我们的物质上的支持也得到我们精神上的声援。
- And people will enjoy much more both materially and spiritually. 人类的物质生活和精神生活将会得到极大地丰富。
- We will constantly advance the all-round development of human beings based on a higher level of the material and spiritual civilization of the socialist society. 我们要在发展社会主义社会物质文明和精神文明的基础上,不断推进人的全面发展。
- These problems gravely affect the reform of the funeral system and the construction of socialist material and spiritual civilization. 这些问题严重地影响了殡葬改革和社会主义两个文明建设。
- Yet we are all doing our best to change and to be more civilized and to live more pleasantly both in material and spiritual sense. 对,但我们正在努力变得更文明,更加愉悦地享受更多的物质和精神生活。
- Attach equal importance to both material and spiritual civilization and run the country by combining the rule of law with the rule of virtue. 坚持物质文明和精神文明两手抓,实行依法治国和以德治国相结合。
- Historical and cultural heritage of a country is a nation formed long-term material and spiritual masterpiece, not destroyed Health, a non reminders. 历史文化遗产是一个国家一个民族长期形成的物质文明和精神文明的杰作,毁之不再生,催之不可成。
- Honesty is a basic element of human life and therefore unavoidably affects all material and spiritual realms of human existence. 诚实是人生的一个基本元素,因此它不可避免的影响着每个人的物质和精神世界。
- In the present this is called eugenics, which is the preparation for the entrance of souls that make the earth better in material and spiritual ways. 在目前这是优生学,在肉体和精神的途径上为使得地球会有更好的灵魂进入做准备。
- Culture refers to both material and spiritual wealth created by human beings during the developing process of the society and history,especially the spiritual wealth. 文化是指人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,这里特指精神财富。