- This means building a society with high material standards. 这就是建设物质文明。
- Society should not stop protecting the environment just because environmental regulations reduce our material standard of living. 正因为环境的规章减少我们生活水平的原料,所以社会有应该停止对环境的保护。
- Other spot's repair adopts, the sprightly means succinctly, the material standard spoken Chinese, the work simplification. 其他部位的装修采取简洁、明快的办法,材料普通话,做工简单化。
- Be familiar with both Chinese and foreign material standards. 了解中国及北美材料牌号标准。
- The challenge today is not merely to improve the material standards of living. 今天的要求不仅在于改进物质生活的标准。
- In view of AWS A5.XX welding material standard being referred to in China, attention shall be paid to these revised value in the field of welding material manufacture and usage. 鉴于我国焊材标准已转向参照AWSA5.;XX焊材标准;故其变动值得我国焊材制造和使用方面的重视。
- Try to maintain the same social and material standards as one's neighbours. 要在地位和物质方面比得上周围的人。
- Mainly produces 95 red bricks and the porous brick, the product quality conforms to the country building material standard, produces the porous brick mainly sells to area the Hangjiahu plain. 主要生产95红砖及多孔砖,产品质量符合国家建筑材料标准,所生产的多孔砖主要销往杭嘉湖平原一带。
- We are building a socialist society with both high material standards and high cultural and ethical standards. 建设社会主义的物质文明和精神文明
- For a long time we neglected to develop the productive forces, so now we are paying special attention to attaining high material standards. 过去很长一段时间,我们忽视了发展生产力,所以现在我们要特别注意建设物质文明。
- For a long time we neglected to develop the productive forces,so now we are paying special attention to attaining high material standards. 过去很长一段时间,我们忽视了发展生产力,所以现在我们要特别注意建设物质文明。
- The material is flawed throughout. 这种材料到处是裂缝。
- The paper introduces the material standards in ASME code and Chinese pressure vessel code, particularly the steel plate. 本文介绍了美国ASME规范钢材标准和我国压力容器用钢标准,其中对钢板标准作了重点介绍。
- The difference between industrial products and handicrafts lies in material standardization and mass production, in our case, such as the laminated bamboos or the bamboo veneers. 工业和工艺的差别,在于能否将材质规格化后用于量产,如竹层积材或竹薄片。
- The production,managtment and technical levels of maferial producing industries in a country of region are reflected by the techuical conditions of the material standards. 材料的技术标准实际上反映了一个国家或地域的材料产业界的生产管理和技术水平。"
- This article mainly introduced the relations between ASME materials classification and UNS. Be sure to avoid confusing materials identification, so that we can use ASME materials standard correctly. 摘要介绍了ASME材料分类标准与UNS编号体系之间的关系,做到避免材料标识不清,以便正确使用ASME材料标准。
- He insists the condition to use the best material. 他坚持以使用最好的材料为条件。
- AASHTO T260-94, “Sampling and Testing for Total Chloride Ion in Concrete Raw Materials”, Standard specification for transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing(1994). 张峻杰,“以加速氯离子穿透试验评估混凝土耐久性之研究”,国立台湾海洋大学材料工程研究所硕士学位论文,92年6月.
- That material surpasses all others in fineness. 那种材料精良超过其他所有材料。