- Adaptable fraction: A fraction made up of three separate parts: numerator, slash, denominator. This method is often used when no mathematical sign and fractions are provided in a fount. 组合式分数:由分子、斜线和分母三个部分组合而成。当某一副字体没有把数学或分数符号包括在内时,多采用这个方法。
- Adaptable fraction: A fraction made up of three separate parts: numerator, slash , denominator. This method is often used when no mathematical sign and fractions are provided in a fount. 组合式分数:由分子、斜线和分母三个部分组合而成。当某一副字体没有把数学或分数符号包括在内时,多采用这个方法。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- The students are working on a mathematical problem. 学生们正在解一道数学习题。
- At the same time Petri Net is a kind of abstract mathematics sign, and does not keep problem field a intuitionistic view.It is hard to comprehend, commune and discus for laypeople. 同时Petri网是一种抽象的数学符号,并不是对问题领域的直观的表示,对非专业人员来说难以理解、交流和讨论。
- Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。
- Those are signs of an unquiet mind. 这是心烦意乱的表现。
- The vendor signs a contract with the purchaser. 卖方须与买方签订契约。
- People who cannot speak can talk by using signs. 不会说话的人可以用手势沟通。
- Einstein was a mathematical genius. 爱因斯坦是数学天才。
- The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue. 机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象。
- Determined by mathematical calculation. 计算出的通过数学计算来确定的
- The weather shows signs of breaking up. 好天气看样子要过去了。
- There are many luminous road signs along the roads. 沿着路有许多夜光路标。
- The local station signs on at6: 30 every day. 地方台每天6:30开始广播。
- His health is showing signs of improvement. 他的健康状况显出好转的迹象。
- The sick man showed signs of distress. 那个生病的男人表现出痛苦的迹象。
- The tree exhibited signs of decay. 那棵树显示腐蛀的迹象。
- One of the quantities in a mathematical proportion. 比例项在数学上成比例的数或项之一
- There are few signs of life here in the evenings. 这里晚间没有什麽活动的迹象。