- He bought a new mathematical textbook. 他买了本新的数学教科书。
- Do have to study and take the high school mathematics textbook as an elective course after all to have the number capital? 您的位置:我也知道>教育/科学>高中数学教科书究竟必修和选修有多少本?
- contemporary famous mathematics textbook 现代数学名著
- Reform on high school mathematics textbook 数学教材改革
- Factorization no universal way to junior high school mathematics textbooks are introduced using the formula, division of decomposition and cross multiplication. 因式分解没有普遍的方法 ,初中数学教材中主要介绍了提公因式法、运用公式法、分组分解法和十字相乘法。
- She's a walking textbook of medicine. 她是活的医学教科书。
- This is the standard textbook on the subject. 这是这一科的权威性课本。
- A textbook of reading exercises. 阅读练习内容为阅读练习的教科书
- He is reputedly brilliant at mathematics. 据说他在数学方面很有才能。
- Our textbook is very well illustrated. 我们的课本插图丰富。
- The Express of the Linear Axiom in Junior High School Mathematics Textbook Should Be Unified 初中数学教材中关于线段公理的表述应该统一
- There is a glossary at the end of the textbook. 这本教科书后面有词汇表。
- It is a complexity of higher mathematics. 这是一道高等数学的难题。
- This English textbook is well illustrated. 这本英文教科书有精美的插图。
- The elemental mathematics is very easy. 初等数学很简单。
- Mathematics arose from the need of men. 数学是由于人们的需要而产生的。
- I'll have to rub up my mathematics. 我得把数学复习一下。
- I'm afraid I'm quite hopeless at mathematics. 我担心我的数学怎么也学不好。
- The editors saw fit to include some illustrations in the textbook. 编辑们认为在课本中加些插图是合适的。
- the mathematics textbooks of senior high school 高中数学教材