- Polygyny - A mating system in which males mate several females. 一夫多妻制 -一种交配系统,其中男性队友几个女性。
- Polyandrous - A mating system in which females mate multiple males. Polyandrous -一种交配系统,其中女性队友多男性。
- Cases are known where trioecy provides for an optimal mating system. 众所周知,单全异株为最适交配系统打下基
- Cases are known where trioecy or, more generally, heteroecy, provides for an optimal mating system. 众所周知,单全异株,或者更通俗一些说,雌雄杂生为最适交配打下基
- The mating system can be changed in a quick and simple manner, from monoecy to dioecy. 用较快而简洁的方法使交配系统从雌雄同株变成雌雄异株。
- Effects of clonality on within\|population structuring and mating system were also reviewed. 就克隆生长对种群空间结构和交配系统的影响进行了综述。
- These true seals have a highly polygynous mating system, with a successful male able to impregnate up to 50 females in one season. 这些无耳海豹是高度一夫多妻制的交配体系,一只胜利的雄性海豹一个季度能够使50只雌性海豹受孕。
- As an exa mple, we present our studies of mating system and paternity analysis on Ophiop ogon xylorrhizus, an endangered plant in China. 最后介绍了我们对木根麦冬交配系统与亲本分析的研究以及亲本分析将来的研究方向。
- A special kind of polygynous mating system where aggregated males display and females attend primarily for the purpose of fertilisation. 求偶场一个特别类型的一夫多妻的交配系统,在那里聚集雄性展示与雌性为了受精参与。
- The establishment of polyploids is favored by differential niche preference, low dispersal, a selfing or asexual mating system, high fecundity, and a perennial life history . 对不同生态位的偏好,低分散,一个自交或无性交配系统,繁殖力高和多年的生活史都有利于多倍体的建立。
- Promiscuous - Promiscuity is a mating system in which individuals of both ***es mate with multiple individuals, a combination of polygyny and polyandry. 混杂 -滥交是一种交配系统,使个人的男女队友多个人,它结合了一夫多妻制和一妻多夫制。
- Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, an aquatic plant native to the Amazon Plain of South America, has a mating system of three floral morphs (L, M, and S) - tristyly. 原产于亚马逊河流域的水生植物凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)在花部结构上有三种花型(L、M和S),故其配殖系统(mating system)为典型的三型花柱(tristyly)。
- The results showed that a mixed mating system was possibly the main heterogamy of this species, and its endangerment was caused by over-exploitation and habitat loss. 导致荷叶铁线蕨濒危的主要原因是生境的破坏以及过度开采所导致的生境片断化使其居群变小、近交率加大、遗传变异趋低,降低了其生存以及进化的潜力。
- Basing on the Emlen Oring ecological classification of avian mating system and the recent results of avi behavior ecology researches, we presented a complementary classification. 在Emlen和Oring鸟类婚配制度生态学分类系统[1] 的基础上 ,根据近年来鸟类行为生态学研究的成果 ,对鸟类的婚配制度进行了补充分类 ,并强调了应以进化稳定策略的观念来认识鸟类的婚配制度。
- By using three-cycle mating system , the crossing character of Ph.adiposa was studied and the result suggested that Ph.adiposa was basidiomycete with quadripolar heterothallism. 通过采用三轮杂交系统研究,确定黄伞为四极性异宗配合的担子菌;
- Homosporous ferns produce sporophytes by intra gametophytic selfing, inter gametophytic mating, or apogamy.Gametangium ontogeny, genetic load, and ploidy affect the mating system of each species. 摘要同型孢子蕨类的孢子体可经由同配子体自交、异配子体交配两类配育系统或以无配生殖的方式产生,异配子体交配又可分为异配子体自交和异配子体异交两种方式。
- Pollinator and mating system isolation are less frequent,with the former arising when the focal species is numerically dominant but does not fully use the array of available animal pollinators (11). 花粉及杂交系统隔离并不经常发生,花粉隔离随优势种在数字上占优势而出现,但并不完全利用一系列的有利于传粉的动物(11)。
- A deterministic modle was used to calculate the production efficiency (RMb/sow) of 64 possible mating systems involv Yorkshire, Landrace,Duroc and Hamshire. 应用确定性模型模拟了包含大白猪、长白猪、杜洛克及汉普夏共4个品系64个繁育体系的生产效率(每头母猪的利润)。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。