- matrix normalized calibration 基体归一校准法
- An introduction of the normalized calibration method for seismographs in Xichang Telemetric Seismic Network 西昌遥测地震台网系统放大倍率归一化标定方法介绍
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。
- A term sometimes applied to a stylus in a thermal matrix printer. 有时用来指热敏点阵打印机的触针的一个术语。
- Our relationship has been normalized. 我们的关系正常了。
- The situation has returned to normal in the city. 这座城市的局势已恢复正常。
- The normal return fare to New York is fifty-six. 去纽约的来回票标准价是56元。
- The editors have normalized the author's rather unusual spelling. 编辑已将作者不太规范的拼写改正过来。
- Everything is absolutely normal. 一切完全正常。
- The number of rows or columns in a determinant or matrix. 行列数行列式或矩阵中行或列的数目
- This case is not amenable to the normal rules. 这件事经不起常规的检验。
- external standard combine with internal standard normalization calibration 外标结合内标归一定量法
- Relations between our two countries have normalized. 我们两国的关系已恢复正常。
- The doctor said the child's temperature was normal. 医生说孩子体温正常。
- A matrix used in constructing a symbol or character image on a display screen. 用来在显示屏幕上构造出一个符号或字符图象的一种点阵。
- A condition of normal body temperature. 正常体温体温正常的状况
- Normal firmness of a tissue or an organ. 健康状态某个组织或器官所具有的正常坚韧性
- Less than the normal ability to respond to stimuli. 敏感减轻对刺激反应能力低于正常水平
- The uniform matrix of hyaline cartilage. 透明蛋白透明软骨的母体组织
- The bus service have returned to normal after the strike. 罢工结束後公共汽车恢复了正常的运营。