- matrix shrinkage and swelling 基质收缩膨胀
- Maximum volumetric shrinkage and swelling 最大体积收缩和膨胀
- Influence of Wood Shrinkage and Swelling on Solid Wood Furniture Design 木材干缩湿胀对实木家具设计的影响
- Inflammation of a joint or joints resulting in pain and swelling. 关节炎由于一组或多组关节发炎而导致的疼痛和肿胀
- All the trick with the soaking and swelling. 所有的诀窍就那么简单:浸泡、膨胀。
- I have a pain and swelling in my knee. 我的膝关节又肿又疼。
- Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. 我将奔涌澎湃如同前行的潮汐。
- Multiple fill tubes eliminate shrinkage and facilitate multiple products. 多浇注口消除收缩,便于生产多个产品。
- The vegetable world begins to move and swell and the saps to rise. 植物世界开始萌动、壮大、生气盎然。
- Based on experiments on tri axial mechanics and coal matrix shrinkage, the internality controlling factors of coal matrix shrinkage were discussed. 采用三轴岩石力学测试系统来模拟煤岩的力学行为,通过控制有效应力的方式进行实验,测试煤基质收缩量。
- The child is in pain because his larynx is all red and swell. 这孩子在遭受疼痛,因为他的喉头又红又肿。
- You may notice redness and swelling after the injection. 注射后会出现红肿。
- The pain in his left foot is accompanied by redness and swelling. 左脚酸痛,并有红肿。
- And the author thinks this kind of red clay should belong to weak and intermediate degree of swelling clay, and maine characteristic is shrinkage and deformation. 论述了红粘土液限和塑限值在塑性图上的分布规律与一般膨胀土的分布规律相吻合 ,这种粘土应属于弱至中等级膨胀性粘土 ,并以收缩变形为其主要特征。
- Inflammation of the gums,characterized by redness and swelling. 龈炎龈组织的炎症,特征是又红又肿
- Inflammation of the gums, characterized by redness and swelling. 龈炎龈组织的炎症,特征是又红又肿
- The child was in pain because his larynx was all red and swollen. 这孩子在遭受疼痛,因为他的喉头又红又肿。
- He would come home and swell around his town in his top hat. 他常常回老家来,戴着大礼帽自命不凡地在镇上溜达。
- Accelerate circulation of blood, clear away toxin and swell. 促进血液和淋巴循环,排毒、水、肿。
- Steroids and cyclosporine can make you retain fluids and swell. 类固醇及环孢灵会使你水分滞留及水肿。