- A term sometimes applied to a stylus in a thermal matrix printer. 有时用来指热敏点阵打印机的触针的一个术语。
- matrix slurry 基质泥浆
- The number of rows or columns in a determinant or matrix. 行列数行列式或矩阵中行或列的数目
- The gypsum slurry is pumped into a diked area. 我们用泵将石膏料浆打到一块用堤围起来的空地中。
- Liquid or slurry never touches stem threads. 液体或泥浆绝对不会接触阀杆螺纹。
- A matrix used in constructing a symbol or character image on a display screen. 用来在显示屏幕上构造出一个符号或字符图象的一种点阵。
- Intelligent Drilling Slurry Control Device. 智能钻井泥浆说明书。
- N33025:For defoaming in artesian well slurry. 用于钻井泥浆消泡。
- Measure different elements in slurry and catalyst . 浆液、催化剂中各组份含量的测试。
- The uniform matrix of hyaline cartilage. 透明蛋白透明软骨的母体组织
- The basis matrix B is unimodular. 基矩阵b是幺模的。
- Excess acidity is corrected in the slurry storage tanks. 过量的酸在料浆贮槽中进一步中和。
- The lumped mass matrix is a diagonal matrix. 集中质量阵是一个对用阵。
- The cylinder is filled with the slurry to be studied. 量筒内注满待研究的泥浆。
- The nodal matrix now has the convenient form. 现在结点矩阵具有下面方便的形成。
- The square matrix is called a diagonal matrix. 该方矩阵称为对角矩阵。
- We now omit the prime on the matrix elements. 我们现在把各矩阵元素上的一撇略去。
- The concept of a matrix arises in application. 在实际中产生了矩阵概念。
- Must prepare at least200 cubic meter's slurry before spud. 开钻前应配好至少200方高粘度稠泥浆。
- The matrix is defined as the reciprocal of A. 该矩阵定义为A之逆矩阵。