- The second part of the thesis studies the four-wave mixing of BEC matter waves. 论文的第二部分研究BEC物质波的四波混频。
- Only discrete wavelengths of matter waves may resonate within the spherical volume of a hydrogen atom. 物质波在一个氢原子的球形体积内也只有一定的分立波才能发生共振。
- This unprecedented accessibility of matter waves has created a veritable BEC boom. 这种获得物质波的办法可是前所未有的便利,因而引起了一股BEC热潮。
- This paper is devoted to a survey of wave-particle duality theory of the optical waves and matter waves. 论述了光波和物质波的波粒二象性理论的发展,讨论了该理论的存留问题。
- Matter waves exist at the quantum level where quantum mechanics blurs the boundaries between the properties of particles and those of waves. 在物质波的存在,在量子级之间的界限模糊的量子力学性能的粒子与那些波。
- In a BEC, hundreds of thousands of atoms gather in the same quantum-mechanical state.Their individual matter waves all become exactly superposed. 在BEC里,数十万的原子聚集在相同的量子状态,它们个别的波函数都精确地叠加在一起。
- The regular scalar ABCD formula can not describe this astigmatic matter wave, neither deal with its evolution problems. 在物质波领域,由于实验装置的各种不对称 设置,相干物质波会表现出非均匀、各向异性的像散特性。
- The tensor ABCD law describes the evolution of the first order correlation function of the partially coherent matter wave. 该定律针对的是广泛存在于 实验的,具有部分相干性的冷原子物质波体系。
- We can derive from the conclusion of the special relativity and the de Broglie relation the formula for the relation between the speed of matter wave and the related partical. 根据狭义相对论的结论和德布罗意公式;推出了物质波的波速和与该物质波相缔合的粒子速度之间的关系式.
- The laser caused the matter wave to coalesce (dump atoms) inside the second BEC, forcing the surrounding atoms to radiate like antennas and reproduce the original pulse. 激光在第二块BEC凝聚物内引发了物质波的聚结(即原子转储),这迫使周围的原子像天线般地发射,并且再生出初始脉冲。
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。
- He professed to know nothing about the matter. 他声称对此事一无所知。
- Because the resulting giant matter wave contains so many atoms, it is easy to observe: once a BEC is there, it takes hardly more than a video camera to see that matter has a wavy nature! 由于这个巨大的物质波包含许多原子,所以很容易观测:一旦有了BEC,几乎只要一台摄影机就能看到物质的波动性!
- Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。
- He is the prime mover in the whole matter. 他是整个事件的发起者。
- The article is devoid of substantial matter. 这篇文章缺乏实质性的内容。
- I am afraid you have not appreciated the urgency of the matter. 恐怕你还没有意识到这件事的紧迫性。
- I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter. 我决不背离我已经宣布的在这个问题上的政策。