- She will be a maximal help to here. 她到这儿将是个极大的帮助。
- She obtained maximal benefit from the course. 她从该课程中获益极大。
- Not compatible or sympathetic, as in character. 志趣不同的指性格上不宽容,无同情心的
- "Waste not, want not" is her favorite maxim. “不浪费则不匮乏”是她特别喜爱的格言。
- "Waste not, want not" is a popular maxim. "勤俭节约,吃穿不缺"是一条盛行的座右铭。
- maximal compatible 极大协调的
- Maxim seems to be particularly fond of her. 马西姆似乎特别喜欢她。
- maximal compatible set 极大协调集
- Accuracy is not always compatible with haste. 忙中难免出错。
- This printer is compatible with most microcomputers. 这台打印机是与大多数微型电子计算机兼容的。
- A terse, witty, instructive saying; a maxim. 格言,箴言,警句简洁、机智、有教导性的话; 警句
- We are temperamentally compatible. 我们情趣相投。
- He and his wife aren't compatible. 他跟他的妻子合不来。
- Beijing zoo is the maximal zoo that I have visited. 北京动物园是我所参观过的最大的动物园。
- For overpopulation is not compatible with freedom. 因为人口过剩和自由是不可调和的。
- They help us to be maximal encouraging to us. 他们来帮助我们对我们是个极大的鼓舞。
- These actions are compatible with his character. 这些行动与他的性格一致。
- This boy is that age is maximal among all boys. 这个男孩是所有男孩中年龄最大的。
- FPS mode is now compatible with pets. 现在宠物可以使用第一人称模式。
- It is compatible with ammonium compounds. 它可与氨化合物混用。