- “Current Value”(当前值)字段会立即使用输入的值进行更新。The Current Value field is now updated with the value that you entered.
- (=maximum capacity) 最大容量max.cap.
- 将Minimum属性设置为1而Maximum属性设置为91。Set the Minimum property to 1 and the Maximum property to 91.
- 请立即下载,以便限制创建命名管道时MAXIMUM ALLOWED的访问权。Download now to help limit access to MAXIMUM ALLOWED on named pipe creation.
- P-ValueP-Value
- current international transaction (即经常项目交易)经常国际交易
- Maximum和Minimum属性定义了两个值的范围用以表现任务的进度。The Maximum and Minimum properties define the range of values to represent the progress of a task.
- value属性value attribute
- 不变CurrentInvariant current
- Minimum属性通常设置为值零,Maximum属性通常设置为指示任务完成的值。The Minimum property is typically set to a value of zero, and the Maximum property is typically set to a value indicating the completion of a task.
- 但是,有一点例外:关键字Null将转换为System.DbNull.Value。However, there is one exception: the keyword Null is converted to System.DbNull.Value.
- Virasoro-Current代数Virasoro-Current algebra
- Value-at-RiskValue-at-Risk
- 例如,若要正确显示复制一组文件时的进度,Maximum属性应设置成要复制的文件的总数。For example, to display the progress properly when copying a group of files, the Maximum property could be set to the total number of files to be copied.
- IDENT_CURRENT可以返回任何会话和任何作用域中为特定表生成的标识值。IDENT_CURRENT returns the identity value generated for a specific table in any session and any scope.
- 该示例使用Minimum和Maximum属性指定ProgressBar的范围,它等效于要复制的文件数。The example uses the Minimum and Maximum properties to specify a range for the ProgressBar that is equivalent to the number of files to copy.
- 以下代码片段将类型转换器和UI类型编辑器与属性Value相关联。The following code fragment associates a type converter and a UI type editor with the property Value.
- arc current (焊接电流)电弧电流
- value不在集合中。Value is not in the collection.
- 如果数据类型的小数位数是固定的,则MINIMUM_SCALE和MAXIMUM_SCALE列将同时包含该值。If a data type has a fixed scale, the MINIMUM_SCALE and MAXIMUM_SCALE columns both contain this value.