- maximum permissible exposure (MPE) 最大允许曝射量
- maximum permissible exposure 最大容许照射
- Engine revolution should not exceed the maximum permissible. 发动机的转数不应超过所允许的最大数值。
- Both are over the Permissible Exposure Limit (5mg/m3)promulgated by OSHA, USA. 均超过职业接触柴油机废气颗粒物有关联的美国OSHA的容许接触限值5mg/m3。
- On this basis, the Secretary of Labor had set the permissible exposure level for workers at 1 ppm (part per million), which he considered the lowest feasible level. 根据这一点,劳动部长已把工人的允许接触水平规定为百万外之一,他认为这是最低的可行性水平。
- A condition wherein a station transmits for a period of time longer than the maximum permissible packet length,usually due to a fault condition. 数据站的一种状态,在此状态中,数据站发送数据的时间大于最大允许的包长度。这种状态通常是由故障状态引起的。
- For this reason, the maximum permissible angular misalignment is two minutes of arc. 因此,最大允许角位移是2弧分。
- The Maximum permissible error when the working frequency of Resistor is equal to or lower than the measurement frequency. 电阻箱的工作频率等于或低于测试频率上限时的最大允许误差。
- Note : Very few reels may exceed the maximum permissible deviation listed above. 注:极少数膜可能超出上表允许最大偏差。
- The maximum permissible liquid anhydrous ammonia level shall not exceed 85% of the tank's total capacity. 液氨水平面达到最高时其体积应不超过罐总容量的85%25。
- The maximum permissible power dissipation per output (in W) of this item at specified ambient temperature. 器件在正常工作条件下的能量损耗。
- There is agreement in the medical research community that current Occupational Safety &Health Administration permissible exposure limits fail to protect workers from beryllium. 医学研究社团一致认为,职业安全和健康管理部门现在所允许的暴露限制条件,不能够保护工人免受铍的危害。
- The maximum permissible pumped heating power was eventually obtained for the conventional cooling case. 以此得出采用常规冷却技术所允许的最大泵浦加热功率。
- "Is the maximum number of permissible exposures documented with a system to track the number of exposures? 可允许的最大曝光次数是否有文件规定并有系统对曝光次数进行跟踪?"
- The requirements for the intended use include such considerations as range, resolution, maximum permissible errors, etc. 预期使用要求包括:量程、分辨率、最大允许误差等。
- The IBC shall be filled to no less than 95 % of its capacity and to its maximum permissible gross mass, the contents being evenly distributed. 中型散货箱必须装至不少于其容器的95%25并且达到其最大许可总重,内容物分布均匀。
- A condition wherein a station transmits for a period of time longer than the maximum permissible packet length, usually due to a fault condition. 数据站的一种状态,在此状态中,数据站发送数据的时间大于最大允许的包长度。这种状态通常是由故障状态引起的。
- A microprocessor constantly calculates the maximum permissible road speed and can brake each individual wheel if necessary. 微处理器不断地计算最大的允许行驶速度,并且能够在必要时对各车轮单独实施制动。
- Level transmitters to automatically turn off the unloading compressors to prevent ammonia from exceeding the highest or maximum permissible level. 水平变送器自动地关闭卸料压缩机以阻止氨超过最高或可允许的最大高度值。
- The maximum permissible transmittance level of the filter at a given wavelength can be arbitrarily set at between one per cent and 0.1% of this ratio to provide a "safety" factor. 滤镜的最高允许透光量;可设定为"极限比例"的百分之1至0.;1之间;以提供一个安全系数