- meaning pattern school of Yi 义理易学
- MOU Zong-san put Neo-Confucianism into three schools, and regarded the schools of Wu Feng Ji Shan and Xiang Shan Yang Ming as the orthodox schools of Confucianism, but the school of Yi Chuan Zhu Zi as branch roads. 牟宗三把宋明理学分为五峰蕺山、象山阳明与伊川朱子三系,并视五峰、蕺山与象山、阳明两系为儒学之正宗,而伊川、朱子系为儒学之歧出。
- the Nine Writers of the School of Yi Tang 易堂九子
- He has often been late for school of late. 他近来经常迟到。
- He graduated from a school of crafts and arts. 他毕业于一所工艺美术学校。
- She's just graduated from the School of Cookery. 她刚从烹饪学校毕业。
- She attended a school of dress design. 她就读於一所服装设计学校。
- Calculation in genetics and that in image-number school of Yi 遗传算法与易算算法
- A hundred schools of thought contend. 百家争鸣。
- But Zhe Reng Ran is ” of crammer of De of true Shi of Yi Ge “ . 但这仍然是一个“真实的谎言”。
- I don't belong to the school of thought that favours radical change. 我不属於激进派。
- He fathered a school of notable poets. 他创立了著名诗人的流派。
- Taught at the Sloan School of Management, MIT. 曾任教于麻省理工斯隆管理学院。
- A school of small fish were swimming in the pool. 一群小鱼正在池水中游曳。
- The Original Text and Meaning of Chinese Epics,"chief-edited by Guan Ji-xin, chapters of Yi and Ha-hni, Nanning: Guangxi People Publishing House. 关纪新主编:《史诗本事》,承担彝族、哈尼族部分。南宁:广西人民出版社。
- The city contains schools of art, law, medicine and science. 城里有艺术学校、法律学校、医科以及理工科学校。
- Hello, this is Ross from the School of Music. 喂,我是音乐学校的罗丝。
- At the Bronx High School of Science. 在Bronx区的理科中学读书。
- It is a big school of dolphin, he thought. 这群鲯鳅真大啊,他想。
- Zhejiang Shaoxing School of Trade and. 浙江省绍兴市贸易经济学校。