- Chapter One makes an introduction to definitions of related terms and concepts, synthesizes and evaluates contrastive rhetoric and text linguistic theories as well as the most influential researches in Chinese-English contrastive rhetoric. 第一章综述了对比修辞学的相关理论和部分研究成果,并重点回顾了以往汉英语篇修辞模式的研究。
- Modern linguistic theory and its applications II. 现代语言学理论及应用2。
- The Application of Text Linguistics Theory to Error Analysis of College English Writing: An Experimental Study 用篇章语言学方法对大学英语写作进行错误分析的实验研究
- Chomsky's linguistic theory keeps renewing and developing. 摘要乔姆斯基的语言理论在不断地更新和发展。
- He's researching linguistic theory from a series of books. 他正在研读语言学理论方面的书籍。
- Each linguistic theory assumes a model of stylistic analysis, as it were. 可以说,每一种语言学理论模式都是一种潜在的文体学分析模式。
- Tailor, J. R. 1995, Linguistic Categorization - - - Prototypes in Linguistic Theory[M]. Oxford: OUP. 刘正光.;莱柯夫隐喻理论中的缺陷[J]
- Gardiner's linguistic theory, especially his thinking on pragmatics, is surveyed and analyzed in this paper. 本文就加德纳的语言理论,尤其是他的语用学思想,作些初步但必要的发掘。
- Offer new materials, new facts and new thoughts to the research of the Modern Chinese, Chinese History and Linguistic theory. 为现代汉语、汉语史、语言学理论的研究提供新的材料、新的事实和新的思路。
- Fillmore C J. 1968. The case for case. NewYork:Holt,Rinehart and Winston In:Bach E and Harms R eds. Universal in Linguistic Theory. 冯志伟.;1983
- Based on the comparison of the relative markedness of L1 and L2 features, linguistic theory illustrates the probability of L1 transfer. 语言学以母语与目的语之间的标记差异做比较,说明母语迁移的可能性;
- Construction grammar, based on cognitive psychology, is a new linguistic theory with a lot of features different from those of generative grammar. 摘要构块语法是以认知心理学为基础的一种新的语言理论,具有许多不同于生成语法的特点。
- In the study of the relationship between generality and specialty of general linguistic theory and the characteristic of Chinese, emphasis should be put on the specialty. 摘要在普通语言学理论与汉语特点的一般与特殊关系上,重点应放在特殊性上;
- You mistook my meaning entirely. 你完全误解了我的意思。
- Observing Galilean-Newtonian style, the study of modem generative grammar is devoted to the construction of linguistic theory that can be understood by a scientific mind. 当代生成语法是在伽利略一牛顿风格指导下,以构建语言学理论为目的的自然科学研究。
- A Text Linguistic Approach to Translation Studies 语篇语言学与翻译研究
- The paper argues that text consciousness is important and that the application of the achievement of text linguistics is instructively beneficial to the translator. 本文认为语篇意识在翻译中很重要,把篇章语言学的成果应用于翻译过程中可起到有益的指导性作用。
- The linguistic theories are quite important for the lexicographer but practical utility is more basic for him. 基于这些词汇分层结果的原则,词典编纂者根据传统进行了分类。
- We talked for hours about the meaning of life. 我们谈人生的意义谈了几个小时。