- meaningful and rote learning 意义学习和机械学习
- By combining the widely used cased-based learning and rote learning, it establishes the learning interpreter to judge javascript scripting language and remove unsafe coed or suspicious code. 利用机器学习中应用较为广泛的示例学习和机械学习相结合,通过建立学习解释器,对网页中的Javascript等脚本语言进行判断,去除不安全代码或者可疑代码。
- The names are always meaningful and colourful. 名字总是有它的含义和色彩。
- Everything was meaningful and awesome. 一切事物都富有意义且令人敬畏。
- The remarks are meaningful and thought-provoking. 语辞隽永,耐人寻味。
- We should admit that rote learning has a number of limitations. 死记硬背有很多的局限性,这一点我们必须承认。
- We should try to live a meaningful and fruitful life. 我们日子应设法过得既有意义又有成果。
- Because of you, everything becomes more meaningful and significant! 因为有了你,一切变得更有意义。
- You must strive to create a meaningful and persuasive answers. 你必须努力打造一个有意义的并且有说服力的答案。
- Communication in CLT should be authentic,meaningful and task based. 交际语言教学法所指的交际是真实、有意义的和有任务的交际。
- David brought us a very meaningful and inspiring game. 迪纬带领我们玩了一个富有意义及启发性的游戏。
- The insistence on rote learning robbed the initiative to make Bold hypotheses about new situations and new problems. 强调死记硬背,无形中影响了对新现象、新问题的大胆设想、求证。
- Behind this real feeling there was something still more meaningful and somber. 除了这种真挚的感情外,还有着某种更有意义、更为阴暗的东西。
- Memorization of information by frequency repetition (rote learning) plays a role in educ. 不少学生来函问我此题,打算化点时间写一篇出来。首先,欢迎集思广益。。。。
- But education experts said Taiwan's lead in maths was mainly due to its students' rote learning. 但教育专家表示,台湾在数学方面的领先主要源于学生的机械式学习。
- Memorization of information by frequency repetition( rote learning) plays a role in education system to what extend do you agree or disagree. 信息的记忆来自重复的频率,那么机械学习扮演了一个重要角色在教育体系中!你同意吗?
- And sometimes it can mean helping them find a more meaningful and satisfying role outside of your sphere of influence. 有时改变方式意味着帮助你在个人影响范围之外找到一个更有意义和令人满意的角色。
- You are not inclined to rote learning and repetition, nor are you inclined to repetitively practice or execute the same sequence over and over again. 你不会死记硬背、也不会重复操练或者一遍遍地做同一件事。
- Memorization of information by frequency repetition (rote learning) plays a role in education system to what extend do you agree or disagree. 信息的记忆来自重复的频率,机械学习扮演了一个角色在教育体系中!你同意吗?
- Mechanics provides us with meaningful and readily visualizable examples. 力学为我们提供了许多有意义而又形象的例子。