- Measures for control of coal marketing shall be formulated by the State Council in accordance with this Law. 第五十七条煤炭经营管理办法,由国务院依照本法制定。
- Article 57 Measures for control of coal marketing shall be formulated by the State Council in accordance with this Law. 第五十七条 煤炭经营管理办法,由国务院依照本法规定。
- Study on comprehensive measures for controlling Doperda populnea L. 青杨天牛综合防治方法。
- Spindle is the measure for yarn. 司品德是纱的度量单位。
- The fundamental measure for controlling infectious diseases is to cut the source of infection. 控制传染病的根本措施是切断传染源。
- The barman uses a small silver measure for brandy. 酒吧服务员用银质小量器量白兰地酒。
- Objective To investigate infestation condition of bedbugs and take effective measure for controlling in the army unit. 目的调查某部营区臭虫危害现况,采取有效措施进行防治。
- Article 57 Measures for control of coal marketing shall be formulated by the State Council in accordance with this Law. 第五十七条 煤炭经营管理办法,由国务院依照本法规定。
- In production practice,adopting the measure for controlling gas in steel completely improved the quality of steel #45 casting blank. 生产实践中,通过采取控制钢中气体含量的措施,使45%23钢铸坯质量得到全面改善。
- The two of them are locked in a titanic struggle for control of the company. 他们俩为争夺对公司的控制权打得不可开交。
- Based on examples, the faults of transformer cooling system are analyzed. The improvement measures for control circuit problems in transformer cooling system are presented. 摘要通过实例分析了变压器冷却系统故障;针对变压器冷却系统控制回路存在问题,提出了改进措施。
- The key to prevention of water environment pollution at present should be the research of the mechanism and measures for control of eutrophication and waterbloom in lakes. 提出当前研究水环境污染防治的重点应关注湖泊富营养化发生及水华暴发机理与调控研究。
- The two of them is locked in a titanic struggle for control of the company. 他们俩为争夺对公司的控制权打得不可开交。
- Health centers for women and children were set up throughout China from the 1950s to the 1960s and new methods for child delivery as a major measure for controlling puerperal fever and tetanus neonatorum have been crowned with remarkable success. 五十年代和六十年代在全国范围内建立了妇幼卫生保健机构,将新法接生作为控制产褥热和新生儿破伤风的主要措施,取得了很大成绩。
- His teacher has been paid in full measure for the time she spent on him. 他的老师按所花费的时间得到了充分的报酬。
- The tailor took my measurements for a new suit. 裁缝给我量做新西装的尺寸。
- In sorting, synonym for control word. 在分类(排序)技术中,其含义同“控制字”。
- The tailor took my measure for a new coat. 裁缝为了给我做新上衣,量了我的尺寸。
- Use of recursion as a mechanism for control flow. 使用递归作为控制流程的机制。
- Now displays upgrade cameo for control rods. 将会显示控制类型的图标。