- She has not one dram of learning. 她一点学问也没有。
- He set up for a man of learning. 他自认为是个有学问的人。
- His resignation is a measure of how angry he is. 从他辞职一事可见其气愤的程度。
- SIMON L,ROLAND R.Test of Reaction and Adaptation in College(TRAC).A New Measure of Learning Propensity for College Students.Journal of Educational Psychology,1995,87:2293-2306. 王滔.;大学生心理素质结构及其发展特点的研究
- He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning. [谚]耻于问即耻于学。
- His purpose of learning is to be a doctor. 他学习的目的是想当医生。
- I feel a measure of compassion for her. 我对她怀有一定程度的同情。
- The metre is a measure of length. 米是长度单位。
- We cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning English. 我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。
- A measure of the heaviness of an object. 重量一个物体的重量的度量法
- Glasser, R. (1963). Instructional Technology and the Measurement of Learning Outcomes: Some Questions. American Psychologist, 18, 519-521. 陈昭雄译。综合工业技术。台北:徐氏基金会出版。
- She achieved a measure of success with her first book. 她的第一部书就获得了一定程度的成功。
- Not (being) fond of learning, he ran away from home. 由于不喜欢读书,他就离家出走了。
- He repented in a measure of missing such a good chance. 错过这么好的一次机会他有点后悔。
- The aim of a university should be the advancement of learning. 大学的目标应是促进学术。
- Humidity is a measure of moisture in the atmosphere. 湿度是空气内含水分多少的量度。
- He was now in the measures of Lewis XIV. 他此刻正与路易十四共商大计。
- She achieve a measure of success with her first book. 她的第一部书就获得了一定程度的成功。
- The Emperor is a renowned patron of learning. 这位皇帝是一位有名的崇尚学术的君王。
- An idiot is incapable of learning. 白痴不具备学习能力。