- mechanical measuring machine 机械测量机
- Seiko factory called Botou City Mechanical Measuring Tool Factory. 原厂名为泊头市精工机械量具厂。
- Have skill to operate the coordinate measuring machine. 会使用三坐标。
- Operate and maintain the Coordinate Measuring Machine. 操作和维护三坐标测量机。
- Botou City Air-Seiko mechanical Measuring Tool Factory, established in 2004. 泊头市航通精工机械量具厂,成立于2004年。
- Abstract: Tri-ordinate measuring machine is an efficient measuring instrument. 摘要:三坐标测量机是一种高效率测量仪器。
- Zeiss measuring machine and are looking to the future direction of development. 蔡司及其测量机都是着眼于未来的方向而发展。
- The complex intelligent virtual control (IVC) based on rock model, which could build mechanical measuring instruments with bonier existed and unlimited, was presented. 摘要鉴于测试仪器日益大型化、集成化和虚拟化,本文介绍了基于岩石模型的复杂智能虚拟控件及以“功能赋予”、“拼搭”方式实现测试仪器的开发;
- Familiar with parts process and basic metrology skills including ability to use coordinate measuring machine. 熟悉机床零件机加工工艺及其检验方法。
- This paper studies the application of incremental opticalelectrical encoder(IOE)to the bent tube measuring machine. 研究增量式光电编码器在弯管测量机上的应用。
- Three-coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM),as quality inspection unit of FMS, has not in-line function. 作为FMS质量检测单元的三坐标测量机(CMM)多不具备进线功能。
- Vermeulen,M.M,et al.Design of a high-precision 3D-coordinate measuring machine,CTPR Ann,Vol.47 (1),P447-450. 董晨松.;三坐标测量机动态误差研究[D]
- Sedan piston final comprehensive measuring machine is an instrument for automatic measuring of comprehensive parameters of sedan piston. 汽车活塞最终综合测试仪是对汽车发动机活塞的综合参数进行自动检测的仪器。
- Most mechanical measurements involve combinations of units of mass, length, and time. 大多数机械测量涉及到质量、长度和时间的结合应用。
- Most mechanical measurements involve combinations of units of mass. length, and time. 大多数机械测量涉及到质量、长度和时间的结合应用。
- The mode of the distortion of workpiece was studied. A software approach for rectifying three coordinate measuring machine data was proposed. 研究了工件的变形形式,并依此提出三坐标测量数据的软件矫正法。
- Inertial mass can be defined only in terms of certain mechanical measurements whose success hinges on Newton's law of motion. 只有用某些力学上测量,才能给惯性质量作出定义,而这些力学上的测量的成就是随牛顿运动定律而定的。
- Clocks, the first modern measuring machines, were first produced using lathes. 第一个现代测量工具--钟表,通过车床被生产出来。
- Figliola, Richard S., Beasley, Donald E., 1995, Theory And Design For Mechanical Measurements, 2nd ed., Wiley &Sons, USA. 陈英敏,1989,“视觉量测系统之误差源分析及对策”,机械工业杂志,72期,页224-233,3月。
- The orientation accuracy of the PH9/PH10 probe head has been improved,thus the rotary probe system of three coordinates measuring machine(CMM)can be calibrated once for all. 提高了 PH9/ PH10回转体的定位精度 ,从而实现三坐标测量机回转测头系统的一次性标定