- Geo-technical mechanics computation 岩土力学计算
- Addition and division are forms of computation. 加法和除法都是计算方法。
- He failed in the examination of mechanics. 他没通过力学考试。
- It will cost 5000 at the lowest computation. 估计最少也值5000英镑。
- A team of scientists claim to have identified metal scraps found in a ship wreck as the earliest known mechanical computing device that pinpointed astronomical events. 一组科学家声称发现金属废料船毁掉发现已知最早的天文力学计算装置,找准项目。
- Mechanics computation model comparison of continuously welded rails on high-speed railway bridges 高速铁路桥上无缝线路力学计算模型对比
- Based on gear transmition mathematic model, using Excel 2000 to realize parameter query, strength calculation and verifiation, this method is very useful in mechanical computer aided design. 利用电子表格软件 Excel2000实现对齿轮传动设计的参数查询、强度计算与校核,这一建立在设计传动齿轮数学模型及制造工艺基础上的计算机辅助设计系统,具有很重要的应用价值。
- The mechanics of staging a play are very complicated. 排演话剧的过程很复杂。
- A quick computation revealed that we would not make a profit. 粗略计算后可以看出我们无利可图。
- Skilled mechanics can quickly be brought to the assistance of motorists. 熟练的机械师可迅速地被派去救援汽车驾驶人。
- Some computers can perform over a billion computation a second. 有些计算机一秒钟能完成超过十亿次运算。
- The Greek initiated the science of mechanics. 希腊人开创了力学这门科学。
- I know something about mechanics. 我懂一点力学。
- mechanical computer aided design 机械计算机辅助设计
- He shall have do the computation more carefully. 他本该细心一点做这些算题的。
- He has natural ability, but has yet to learn the mechanics of his chosen work. 他很有天分,但对选择的工作该怎样处理,他仍得好好学习。
- It is not entirely suited to automatic computation. 它不完全适合自动化计算。
- Their output of data does not slow computation. 它的数据输出不会延缓计算。
- He grasped the mechanics of play-writing. 他掌握了剧本的写作技巧。
- Course 1 makes heavy use of quantum mechanics. 第一种课程大量应用量子力学。