- Based on the theory of fracture mechanics,the mechanism of crack-forming among shotholes in the directional split of rock by controlled blasting is expunded. 文章依据断裂力学理论,论述岩石定向断裂控制爆破炮孔间贯通裂纹形成的原理;
- “Mechanics of fracture” G.C.Sih. “弹塑性断裂力学”黄克智。余寿文。
- The varying laws of fracture modes and physical mechanism of some metal materials under different complex stress fields are investigated. 考察了几种金属材料在不同复杂应力场下的断裂形式及物理机制的变化规律。
- The aging precipitant and fracture topography were observed under TEM and SEM.The mechanism of fracture of samples was analysed. 在透射电镜和扫描电镜上观察分析了合金析出物的特征和冲击试样的断口形貌及断裂机制。
- In this paper, the failure of pin punch was analyzed and optimized based on FEA and PVD, according to failure mechanism of fracture and wear of pin punch. 本文主要利用FEA及PVD技术,针对细小凸模的断裂和磨损两种失效形式,进行失效分析与优化。
- Of fracture following character nurse groovy? 跟骨骨折的护理常规?
- The mechanics of staging a play are very complicated. 排演话剧的过程很复杂。
- Treatment depends on the kind of fracture. 治疗方案取决于骨折的类型。
- What is the best treatment method of fracture? 骨折的最好治疗方法是什么?
- What kind of fracture is Ke Lei fracture? 克雷氏骨折是怎样的骨折啊?
- The fracture and fatigue of ADI have been investigated extensively in the recent years.The recent developments on the mechanisms of fracture and fatigue in ADI are reviewed in this paper. 近年来对其断裂与疲劳的研究发展很快,得到不断的深入,本文详细介绍了其新近进展。
- He has natural ability, but has yet to learn the mechanics of his chosen work. 他很有天分,但对选择的工作该怎样处理,他仍得好好学习。
- He grasped the mechanics of play-writing. 他掌握了剧本的写作技巧。
- Care must be exercised in the choice of fracture patterns. 必须注意折断图式的选择。
- The mechanics of entropy are a matter of chance. 熵的构成是一个机遇问题。
- Special Method of Fracture Analysis for Composite Materials II. 复合材料断裂分析的特殊方法2。
- STUDY the mechanics of each blow, strike and kick. 研究每一种打击和踢击的技术细节。
- Of fracture of the condyle inside humerus nurse groovy? 肱骨内髁骨折的护理常规?
- The mechanics of fixing a car are very long. 修理一部汽车的过程很长。
- According to the theory for preferred plane analysis,the mechanism of preferential flow in the media of fractured karst in Jiaozuo Mine is studied. 本文根据优势面分析原理对焦作矿区裂隙岩溶水优势流形成机理进行了比较系统地研究,分析了优势结构面控水特征和规律。