- mechanistic toxicologist 理论毒理学家
- The stumbling block is the mechanistic prediction of cloud cover. 麻烦的是对云量的机械预报。
- Thus, in SCRAP II, the Court used a fairly mechanistic test. 因此,在“学生反对管理机构诉讼程序第2号案”一案中,法院采用了一种相当机械的检验。
- The stumbling block is the mechanistic prediction of cloud cover . 麻烦的是对云量的机械预报。
- At a mechanistic level, gene-culture co-evolution makes sense. 以机械论者的标准,基因-文化的协同进化是有道理的。
- We have many engineers and mechanist with rich experiences. 作为专业水处理设备制造公司,我们能供应各种类型和规格的水处理设备。
- Doctor Lawrence Hodge, a physician, and Doctor Nancy Dasilva, a toxicologist. 岂料,研究的过程出了错,更传来两名队员自杀的消息。
- Toxicologist Spiller is director of the Kentucky Regional Poison Center. 毒物学家史必乐是肯塔基地区毒物中心主任。
- The empirical models were widely used with minimal mechanistic assumptions. 最优化模型适于模拟平衡态下同化物的分配;
- As a living system, its inert, mechanistic parts are part of its life. 作为一个生命系统,它的无生气、机械的构成体也是它生命的一部。
- Studies such as these have provided definitive answers to challenging mechanistic questions. 这类研究都已经为具有挑战性的机制问题提供了权威性的答案。
- If the toxicologist finds meperidine in suzanne morton'body, you'll be lucky if you're only deported. 要是毒理学家发现她体内有杜冷丁,你就会因只是被驱逐出境感到侥幸了。意指会坐牢。
- Toxicologist Tom Harris with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality shares that view. 路易斯安那州环境质量部的毒物学家,哈里斯也有同样的看法。
- Yet, you never hear from a toxicologist saying there is no co rrelation between autism and mercury. 然而,你从未听一未毒理学家说,孤独症和汞之间没有关联。
- This mechanistic pathway cannot be invoked to explain the synthesis of phthalonitriles(72). 这个反应历程不能用于解释邻二基苯(72)的合成。
- THOMAS HARTUNG is toxicologist who was moved by the animal suffering he witnessed to seek alternatives. 哈东是毒物学者,因目睹实验动物所受的苦难而决定要寻找替代方法。
- Mechanistic models are considerably more robust as predictive tools than are purely empirical models. 机械模型作为预测工具,比纯粹的经验模型要完善得多。
- Any toxicologist will tell you that mercury poisoning represents a tempo rary, treatable state. 随便哪个毒理学家都会告诉你,汞中毒代表是暂时的性,可治疗的。
- Epistemologically speaking, the source of all erroneous views on war lies in idealist and mechanistic tendencies on the question. (八)战争问题中的唯心论和机械论的倾向,是一切错误观点的认识论上的根源。
- Hunter said he contacted forensic toxicologist Dr Susan Rice, who told him that certain jasmines can be hallucinogenic. 亨特说,他请教过专家,原来某种茉莉花会致幻想症。