- The rapid spread of the disease is alarming the medical authorities. 这种疾病的迅速蔓延使医疗当局感到忧虑不安。
- The assurances from medical authorities have not forestalled a pork panic. 在保证医疗当局没有阻止一猪肉恐慌。
- People want some level of medical authorities in synthroid prices Germany as later stage but when age C than oranges. 而这份傻爱也许就能让本不相干的两个人在今后互相扶持着走过无数个平淡、艰难或辉煌的日子。
- TYMP possesses an excellent group of staff who have the background of hospitals, medical authorities and institutes. 公司拥有一批熟悉国家法律法规、医疗知识的专业技术人员,本公司同国家食品药品监督管理局、医疗临床机构、认证机构、产品检测机构建立了良好合作关系。
- Obtain a medical authorization form from Front Desk ,PBX, Security or AM manual. 从前台、保安部或经理助理取得医疗授权许可表。
- In our modern world, the experts on human sexuality are no longer religious, but medical authorities. 在当代世界里,人类性学专家们不再是宗教圣职人员,而是医学权威。
- Fortunately, in the meantime, most religious, legal, and medical authorities have adopted a more enlightened attitude. 幸运的是,在此期间,大多数宗教、法律和医学权威们已经采取了更为开明的态度。
- Michael Bluejay concludes, Today, acceptance of vegetarianism by American medical authorities and the general public is at an all-time high. 迈可步鲁杰所做的结论是:目前,美国医学界和大众对于素食主义的接受程度,可谓空前高涨。
- Cordova said that medical authorities expect the number of cases to continue to rise, as the outbreak remains in a severe period. 当日,科尔多瓦在新闻发布会上宣布,墨西哥全国确认和疑似猪流感死亡人数升至149人。
- Therefore, they only report 'discoveries' approved by medical authorities, or those presented before a body of scientific peers. 因而他们只能报告被医学权威认可的或者呈现在科学共识面前的‘发现’。”
- Medical authorities urge anyone taking a prescription medicine, especially those with a chronic illness, to consult with a doctor or pharmacist before taking any OTC drug. 医学权威人士敦促使用处方药者,尤其是慢性病患者,在使用任何OTC药之前都要向医生或药剂师进行咨询。
- The stethoscope is a medical instrument. 听诊器是一种医疗器械。
- It is likely that, in the future, the legal and medical authorities in our society will be much less preoccupied with sexual contact between humans and animals. 似乎,在将来,在我们的社会里,希望这些法律和医学权威们不要那麽过多地关注人与动物之间的性接触,不要那麽先入为主地自以为是。
- A precise accounting is all but impossible because, medical authorities say, ictims were buried before the cause was known, and poor patients might not hae seen doctors. 药物官员说,进行精确的统计根不可能,因为,受害者在致死原因被了解前就已被埋葬了,还有就是家境贫困的患者未到医院就医,而不被医生记录。
- A precise accounting is all but impossible because, medical authorities say, victims were buried before the cause was known, and poor patients might not have seen doctors. 药物官员说,进行精确的统计根不可能,因为,受害者在致死原因被了解前就已被埋葬了,还有就是家境贫困的患者未到医院就医,而不被医生记录。
- The product has passed the testing and appraisal of professional medical authorities, and its effects and functions have reacfed or outrun the international level. 其功效已达到或超过国际水平,并已获中国发明专利。
- Women, children and sexual minorities had no such rights, and any demand for them was vigorously opposed by the religious, legal, and medical authorities. 妇女、儿童和性少数没有此项权利,并且任何诉求此项权利的努力都遭到了宗教、法律和医学权威的竭力反对。
- If the medical authorities are correct, one-third of the British population may be affected this winter (other nations would presumably be similarly hit). 如果医疗机构预测没错的话,到今年冬天,英国将有三分之一的人感染“猪流感”(其他国家也可能会遇到类似的流感爆发)。
- In most cases, there is no apparent cause for hard knots in the muscles, usually in the calves, that are not associated with vigorous exercise, medical authorities say. 医学权威指出“在大多数病例里,肌肉(常为腓肠肌)痉挛通常并没有明确的诱因。强度大的的活动与其并不相关。
- The operation was a marvel of medical skill. 这个手术是医术的一个非凡范例。