- medical functional image 医学功能图像
- The article expatiated on the making process of the multimedia courseware for medical function experiments. 详细介绍了医学机能学实验多媒体课件的制作流程。
- Fusion of functional image and dissectional image is the developing trend of image and will play an important role in clinical diagnosis. 功能影像与解剖影像的融合是影像医学的发展趋势,在临床诊断中将发挥重要作用。
- The nutrient and medical functional components in the Acer plants were reviewed in the study, which offered definite theory for the further exploitation of the Acer plants. 全面分析了槭属植物营养成分及其药用功能成分,为槭属植物的进一步开发利用提供了一定的理论基础。
- This paper fully utilizes QR code"s function image, the omniberaing recognitionfeature of QR Code is realized. 2.充分利用QR码的功能图形,实现了QR码的全方位识别特性,提高了识别的速度和识别方法的通用性,同时提高了识别的准确性。
- For the brain functional image registration optimization problem, we presented a new Taboo search based on memory, named the memory taboo search. 针对脑功能成像中图像配准的优化模型,提出了一种基于记忆的禁忌算法。
- Agar is a ind of wild plant and can be used to cook soup or salad.It also has the medical function to diminish inflammation and hotness. 石花菜为野生植物,其状碧绿如花,其味清爽可口,做汤或凉菜皆可,并有消炎去火功效。
- Many experiments showed the medical function of curcumin such as antiinflammation,antioxidant and so on,but it wasn't widely used in the animal production. 姜黄素已被证明具有抗炎、抗氧化、降脂等医学作用,但在动物生产中尚未广泛应用。
- Basing on this theory,novel methods for the bioelectric currents detecting and the function imaging of tissue had been presented and have hoped to apply to medical diagnosis. 根据这个原理,在外加磁场的情况下声场、电场相互正交耦合作用的生物电流检测和组织功能成像方法的提出为医学诊断提供了新的思路。
- To deepen the teaching reform on comprehensive medical function experiment in our school,the mode of opening system of experiment teaching of medical function is proposed. 我校进一步深化综合性医学机能实验教学改革的任务与主题是建立开放式医学机能实验教学体系。
- Functional images are from two time points, before and after therapy with AZT. 功能性成像摄自艾滋病防护药治疗前和治疗后两个时间点。
- Abstract: ECT/CT image fusion technique realized the supplementary between functional image and dissectional image,each complements the other,and provides the best developing method. 摘要: ECT/CT图像融合技术使功能影像与解剖影像相互补充,相得益彰,为临床提供了最佳显像方案。
- The instruction of self-designing experiments in medical functional disci plines has been implemented after referring to PBL (problem-based learning)in Shanghai Medical College,Fudan University. 复旦大学上海医学院在借鉴PBL经验的基础上,实行医学功能学科自行设计实验教学。
- Nuclear medical imaging is functional imaging,which is broadly used in all kinds of fields,such as the detection of cancer,the studying of functional brain and the studying of cardiopathy. 核医学图像是功能成像,被广泛地运用于癌症的诊断、脑功能的研究以及心脏病的研究等各个方面。
- Tocopherol acid succinate is one of the important Vitamin E products and has a number of medical functions. 生育酚琥珀酸单酯是维生素E商品的一种,具有多种药理功能。
- As a non-invasive functional imaging technology,electrical impedance tomography(EIT) is a new image modality other than morphological and structure imaging. 生物电阻抗成像技术是继形态、结构成像之后的新一代更为有效的无损伤功能成像技术。
- The flavonoids extracted from lotus leaves, an important active component has various medical functions. 荷叶黄酮是荷叶中的重要活性成分,具有多种医疗功效。
- The Brain Functional Imaging Changes and Relationship between Brain Changes and Behavior of Autistic Children. 儿童孤独症的脑功能影像学改变及其与行为表现关系分析。
- The oleanolic acid extracted from the fruit and the leaf of Chinese flowering quince is an important active component, has various medical functions. 摘要木瓜齐墩果酸是木瓜果实和叶中重要的活性成分,具有多种医疗功效。
- Objective To observe effect of electroacupuncture at Shenmen (HT 7) and Neiguan (PC 6) on brain functional imaging. 目的:观察针刺内关和神门对脑功能成像的影响作用。