- medical image despeckling 医学图像去斑
- Beijing MIT Medical Image Technology Co., Ltd. 北京迈特医学影像技术开发公司。
- Medical Image Processing Lab - SUNY Stony Brook. 医学图象处理实验室。
- FuJian Medical Image WebSite ht. 福建医学影像网。
- Fundamentals of Medical Image Registration. 医学成像的限制基础。
- Ming zhi Medical Image Technology Co., Ltd. 明志医学影像科技有限公司。
- Section for Medical Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition ENGLISH. 医学图象分析和图象识别部。
- Fundamentals of Medical Image Processing and Analysis. 医学成像处理和分析基础。
- Objective Apply wavelet transform to denoise medical image. 摘要目的利用小波变换进行医学图像去噪。
- The trend in medical image compression isincreasingly toward lossy compression. 在分析对比了几种广泛实用的无损与有损压缩方法的基础上,针对医学图像有损压缩的总体趋势,提出了一种有损与无损方法相结合的、有较高保真度的压缩方法:分区压缩方法。
- The compression of medical image is the key to study tele-medicine &PACS. 医学图像压缩是远程医疗和PACS系统中的重要研究课题。
- A new ROI coding technique for medical image is introduced in this paper. 提出了一种适用于医学图像渐进传输的感兴趣区域编码方法。
- Image fusion is a key technology on medical images progressing. 图像融合是医学图像处理中的关键技术。
- Many of today's medical images are processed digitally. 许多今天的医学图像是经过数字化处理的。
- Objective To explore the application of wavelet transform in medical image processing. 摘要目的探索小波变换在医学图像处理中的应用。
- DT-CWT Based Phase Preserving Algorithm for SAR Image Despeckling 基于双树复小波变换的相位保持SAR图像降噪
- "Superpose" is a set of software tools for analysis of medical images. 是一组分析医学影像的软件工具。
- Applications of medical imaging play an important role in Ophthalmology. 摘要眼底影像可被用来作为临床疾病之记录,诊断,及追踪。
- The noise of medical image could be eliminated effectively by wavelet transform. 小波变换能够实现对医学图像的消噪处理。
- The thin-plate spline was used to realize fast and exact non-rigid registration of medical image. 利用薄板样条实现了医学图像的快速准确非刚性配准。