- medical sample providers 样本提供者
- DGM China is only responsible for the identification and classification of the sample provided by the applicant. 本公司仅对样品的鉴别结果负责。
- The analysis of the samples provided valuable clues to the police. 对标本的分析为警察提供了一些有价值的线索。
- The sample provided with this tutorial uses a larger mesh than this, but it is simply a matter of adjusting these two constants. 教程使用比这个例子更大的模型,但仅是调整这两个常量就行了。
- The new packaging line is designed for parcel, envelope, tube or satchel use with shipment ranging from confidential documents to temperature-controlled medical samples. 新的包装生产线是专为包裹,信封管或书包使用装运从机密文件,以温度控制医疗样本。
- To create the Access table used by the sample provider, issue the following data-definition query in a new or existing Access database. 若要创建供示例提供程序使用的Access表,应在新的或现有的Access数据库中发出以下的数据定义查询。
- The fossil samples provide an age range between 60 and 79 ka B.P. ,由此该地点发现的人牙化石年代应不晚于60 ka B.;P
- The custom tags supplied in this sample provide support for variables and generic database access from within a SRF file. 此示例中提供的自定义标记支持变量和从SRF文件内进行的一般数据库访问。
- X-ray line scan acrossthinner sample provides a relative accurate technique to determine stratified structure containing different amount of iodide. 这有助于我们改进碘溴化银乳剂的制备。
- If you do not want the sample provider to write exceptions to the event log, then you can set the writeExceptionsToEventLog attribute to false in the Web. Config file. 如果不想让示例提供程序将异常写入事件日志;则可以在Web.;config文件中将writeExceptionsToEventLog属性设置为false。
- The stethoscope is a medical instrument. 听诊器是一种医疗器械。
- Are guidelines on selection, handling and storage of samples provided to staff? 有否就样本的挑选、处理及储存方法制定指引供员工传阅?
- The operation was a marvel of medical skill. 这个手术是医术的一个非凡范例。
- He is a member of the medical fraternity. 他在医务界工作。
- The vertices of one of the other polyhedron (the foreground polyhedron) are similarly adjusted to give the largest possible polyhedron that contains no foreground pixels from the sample provided. 顶点另外一个多面体(前景多面体)的调整同样给予最大可能的多面体,不包含前景象素从样品提供。
- Medical tests showed that he was sterile. 医学检查表明他没有生育能力。
- He drinks this medical tea for medicinal purposes. 他为了治病而喝这种冲剂。
- He was engaged in medical research. 他从事于医学的研究。
- Samples provide a good way of seeing how a particular programming task has been implemented in code. 通过示例可以了解如何使用代码实现特定的编程任务。
- All the workers get free medical care. 所有工人都有公费医疗。