- medical training officer 卫生教官, 医学教官
- Medical training to the underwriters and insurance agents. 为保险业者及保险代理人提供医疗讲座的培训。
- Dr.Sun Yat-senn had practiced medicine in maco after finishing five-year British medical training. 孙中山在香港西医书院接受了5年的英国医科教育,毕业时是历届毕业生中成绩最优秀的。
- They can be collected anywhere by people with no medical training, and there are no associated biohazard risks. 呼气样本可以在任何地方采集,样本采集者无需接受任何医学培训,而且不会产生任何相关的生物危害风险。
- Local emergency medical responders and hospitals must be included in the first aid and medical training for the facility. 该设施的急救和医疗训练中必须包括当地的紧急医疗反应人员和医院。
- The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine is an independent statutory body with the authority to approve, assess and accredit all post-internship medical training. 香港医学专科学院是独立法定机构,获授权批核、评估和评审所有驻院实习后的医疗训练课程。
- The existing method of new acupuncturist training and the use of virtual reality technology on medical training abroad were briefly reviewed. 简单回顾从古至今的针灸医师训练方法,介绍了国外利用虚拟现实技术辅助医学教学方面的研究。
- The officer is mainly responsible for the analysis of regional drug trends and training officers of other customs administrations. 该人员主要负责分析区内毒品走私趋势,并培训区内其他海关组织的人员。
- Candidates who completed their medical training in English outperformed candidates who had been instructed in a language other than English. 那些用英语完成医学培训的候选者比那些以其他语言得到指导的候选者表现要好。
- "First, we trained individually, then in lines, before building up to full formation," said aptly-named chief training officer Yuan Daqing. 徒步方队总教练袁大庆介绍说:“我们首先进行单独训练,然后成列,最后形成完整的编队。”
- The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine is an independent statutory body with the authority to approve,assess and accredit all post-internship medical training. 香港医学专科学院是独立法定机构,获授权批核、评估和评审所有驻院实习后的医疗训练课程。
- It would be malpractice not to prescribe it. Yet with few exceptions we doctors don't learn much in our medical training about the healing power of love. 如不在处方中为他的病人开这种药那他就是渎职。然而,医生们几乎毫无例外地没在我们所接受的医疗培训中学到更多的有关爱的治愈力的知识。
- It has been used in Afghanistan safely and effectively for years by people without medical training, in primitive ?eld conditions, to facilitate amputations and other procedures. 在阿富汗原始的野外条件下那些没有受过医疗培训的人也可以常年用它作为截肢其它操作的安全有效麻醉和镇痛药品。
- The Global Snakebite Initiative is trying to increase the availability of good quality antivenom treatments and improve medical training for patient care. "全球蛇咬伤行动"正努力增加高质量抗蛇毒血清治疗方法的实用性,和提高针对病人护理的医疗培训。
- The Global Snakebite Initiative is working to increase the availability of good quality antivenom treatments and improve medical training for patient care. “国际蛇咬伤行动”一方面,致力于获得高质量抗蛇毒血清治疗以及提高病员护理方面的医疗培训;
- Maintain up-date record of training records, and all the files in training office. 维护更新所有培训部资料档案以及培训记录。
- When I was going through medical training, a discouraging refrain from older physicians was that they would never have gone into medicine had they known what they know now. 当我开始参加医学培训时,从较老的医生身上看到的令人气馁的是他们从来不知道医学的本质而现在他们应该明白他们自己知道什么。
- Although he has no medical training, Chapin is convinced that his invention can help people conquer depression, arthritis and even some types of cancer. 蔡平尽管没有受过医学培训,但确信他的发明能够帮助人们攻克精神抑郁症、关节炎,甚至某些种类的癌症。
- CSTDI Training Officer Grade Association 公务员培训处训练主任级协会
- We also use medical informatics to open windows to students in all research fields.We have developed a systems-based, evidence-based, epidemiologically-based medical training. 加强一般外科的教育与训练,幷且藉由一般医疗课程,强化外科医师的一般医学知识的教育以及人文与社会关怀精神,以期培养才德兼具的外科医师,来提升台湾整体的医疗品质。