- Medicinal plant resources of Illicium L. 八角属药用植物资源。
- The medicinal plant resources of Gentianaceae in Sichuan Province. 四川省龙胆科药用植物资源.
- Medicinal plant resources of Ranunculaceae in Zhejiang Province. 浙江毛莨科药用植物资源.
- The medicinal plant resources of Chinese Aconitum and Delphinium. 国产乌头属和翠雀属药用植物的资源.
- The medicinal plant resources of Berberidaceae in Anhui Province. 安徽省小檗科药用植物资源.
- The results imply that the introduced Echinacea purpurea may become a new medicinal plant resource of this country and the chloroform extract may be developed into an immune restorer. 说明该引种的紫锥菊有可能成为我国的一种新的药用植物资源 ,其氯仿提取物有可能被开发成一种免疫恢复剂
- The medicinal plant resources of the genus Valeriana in the northeastern China. 东北产缬草属药用植物资源.
- Study on the medicinal plant resources of Berberis in China including their taxonomy, distribution and medicinal evaluation. 文章题目 中国产小檗属药用植物资源的研究 -- 分类、分布和药用价值.
- Conclusion: The results provided a basis for the exploitation anti utilization of the medicinal plant resources of Selagingellaceae. 结论:研究结果为该科药用植物的开发推广利用提供了资源学基础。
- Objective To explore the survey methods based on remote sensing technique for the wild medicinal plant resources such as Glycyrrhiza uralensis. 摘要目的以甘草为研究对象,以遥感技术为基础,探索野生药用植物资源调查的方法。
- The rare medicinal plant resources of Ilex latifolia could be used in many aspects.In recent years, the market demands of the resources were increasing. 摘要大叶冬青是一种用途较广的珍贵药用植物资源,近年来市场对大叶冬青资源的需求日益增大。
- Objects: The paper is to provide material for the development and utilization of medicinal plant resources of Pedicularis genera in Qinba Mountain Areas. 目的:为秦巴山区马先蒿属药用植物资源开发利用研究提供资料。
- The medicinal plant resources in habitation of Yugu nationality at Gansu Province were investigated by on-the-spot investigation, visitation and collecting specimens. 通过实地考察、访问、采集标本等方式,调查了居住于甘肃省的我国独有的少数民族裕固族的药用植物资源。
- Objective: To survey medicinal plant resources of the Chinese endemic genera of seed plants. 目的:报道中国种子植物特有属药用植物资源状况。
- The main plant resources include medicinal plants, starch plants, fiber plants and potherb plants. 大宗植物资源以药用植物、淀粉植物、纤维植物和野菜植物为主。
- Moreover,24 species of new distribution in Jiangxi were found,24 Species of model samples and 25 species were named Lushan or Guling. The development and utilization of medicinal plant resources in the reserve were also introduced. 此外,还发现24种江西地区记录新分布,模式标本24种,以庐山、牯岭命名的植物有25种,并介绍了药用植物资源合理利用的概况。
- To protect rare and endangered medicinal plant resources is to exploit and develop traditional medicine,and to serve the society and human better. 保护民间珍稀濒危药用植物,是为了更好地挖掘和开发传统医药,更好地服务于人类。
- Survey on Medicinal Plant resource of Ma'anshan Forest Park in Wuhan City 武汉市马鞍山森林公园药用植物资源调查
- Medicinal Plant Resources of Campanulaceae in Anhui 安徽省桔梗科药用植物资源调查
- The Clematis Medicinal Plant Resources in Zhejiang 浙江省铁线莲属药用植物资源