- There has to be a medium between good and bad. 中间状态介于好与坏之间。
- The ideal is to strike a medium between ideology and inspiration. 我的理想是在意识思想和灵感鼓动之间找到一个折衷。
- There's a happy medium between eating all the time and not eating at all. 在整天吃和全不吃之间存在着一种可行的折衷办法。
- We find a happy medium between working too hard and not working at all. 我们在劳累地工作和不工作之间找到一个折中办法。
- You must find a happy medium between going out every night of the week and living the life of a recluse. 你必须在每晚都外出和过隐居生活之间寻找一个折中的办法。
- She tried to strike a happy medium between making the questions too hard and making them too easy. 她试图将问题出得难易适中。
- The printed statement is the most important communication medium between telecom enterprises and customers. 帐单是电信企业与用户间最重要的沟通媒介。
- We need to have a happy medium between being too close and too distant to our friends. 对待朋友应在过分亲近与过分疏远中,选择中庸之道。
- Fallows responded that there must be a happy medium between being in China too long and being in China too little. 原译:佛洛斯回答,应该在在中国居住太久和居住太短之间有一个令人满意的中介。
- A textbook, as a medium between teaching and learning, can be a lighthouse for college English teaching. 教材作为大学英语教学的重要一环,是我国大学英语教学的风向标。
- We associate civilization with, among other things, a feeling for moderation, for a happy medium between excess and shortage. 在其它一些情况中,我们将文明与一种中庸的感觉联系在一起,在过剩与匮乏之间寻求一种恰当的状态。
- I detailed the uses for and implementation of glass box extensibility, the happy medium between black box and open box design. 中,我详细介绍了透明盒可扩展性的使用及实现,透明盒是一种恰当的介于黑盒与开放盒设计之间的设计方法。
- In the first place, as a dialect the East Midland type of English, played the role of medium between the extreme separations of the north and south. 首先,作为一种方言的东中部地区类型的英语,扮演了一种在北方和南方的极端分离之间的中庸角色。
- Intense competition has made companies ever cost conscious.Our leaner meaner structure makes the firm a perfect medium between cost and quality. 激烈的竞争使企业越来越精打细算,而灵活的结构恰恰使世礼能做到成本与质量的完美结合。
- Heavy Cruisers: These seek to combine the speed of Cruisers with the strength of Battleships, and succeed in finding a happy medium between the two. 重巡洋舰:重巡洋舰试图将巡洋舰的速度与战列舰的火力结合起来,并在它们之间寻求平衡点。
- The temen-ni-gru has revived, the great one who once ruled this earth as a medium between the human world and the demon world. 黑暗的力量已经复活了,那曾经是联系人界和魔界的最伟大的统治者。
- The Temen-ni-gru has revived, the Great one who once ruled this earth as the medium between the Human World and the Demon World. 难道那没有使你热血沸腾吗?黑暗的力量已经复活了,那曾经是联系人界和魔界的最伟大的统治者。
- The sage-monarchs holding fast to Dao is the medium between Dao and Law and the real legislator, therefore he should he restrained by Dao and Law. 作为执道者的圣王是道与法的中介,是现实的立法者,必须受到道和法的约束。
- Arkham: Well,doesn't it excite you?The Temen-ni-gru has revived,the Great one who once ruled this earth as the medium between the Human World and the Demon World. 雅克罕姆:怎样?难道那没有使你热血沸腾吗?黑暗的力量已经复活了,那曾经是联系人界和魔界的最伟大的统治者。
- Music and dance were the main media between a girl and a young man's courtship, engagement and marriage. 青年男女的交往、定情、婚配,几乎都是以歌舞为媒介促成的。