- meiotic bivalents 减数分裂双价体
- There were less bivalents at meiotic MI of PMC than expected,and no multivalent had been found. 在小孢子发育过程中,四分体期有多个微核出现,同时发生了高频的多分孢子,形成五分、六分孢子;
- Oocyte resumed the second meiotic division. 后期将染色体拉向两极;
- Giemsa banding in meiotic chromosomes of Paeonia lactiflora Pall. 芍药减数分裂染色体 Giemsa 显带.
- When synapsis is complete the paired chromosomes are referred to as bivalents. 当联会完成的时候,那配成对的染色体叫做二价体。
- Title: Mitotic Karyotyping and Meiotic Observation in Carrot (Daucus carota L. 关键词:胡萝卜;有丝分裂;核型;减数分裂
- The chiasmata can slip off the ends of the bivalents, and thus chiasma frequency may be reduced by terminalization. 有时交叉可以从二价体末端处滑开,因此移端过程可以降低交叉频率。
- Kyrotype of synaptonemal complex in meiotic pachytene showed that relative length proportion of 1st bivalent and 31st was more than 2. From 6th to 26th, the relative length variability of adjacent two bivalents was less than 4%. 粗线期SC中,1号与31号SC相对长度之比大于2,在6-26号SC之间,相邻的两条SC长度差异均不超过4%25。
- A cell from which gametes develop by meiotic division,especially a spermatocyte or an oocyte. 配子母细胞,配子细胞配偶子通过配子减数分裂而发展的细胞,尢指精母细胞或卵母细胞
- It followed a normal course up to first meiotic metaphase when it inexplicably failed. 它按正常减数分裂过程进行到第一次减数分裂中期后就莫名其妙地停止了。
- Synapsis (pairing) The association of homologous chromosomes during the prophase stage of meiosis that leads to the production of a haploid number of bivalents. 联会(配对):能产生单倍二价体的减数分裂前期,同源染色体的联合现象。
- A haploid cell that results from the meiotic division of an oocyte and becomes a female gamete or an ovum. 卵(子)细胞由于卵母细胞减数分裂产生而后形成配子或卵细胞的单倍体细胞
- Abstract:We have developed a technique of random-primed tritium labeled DNA extension on the pachytene bivalents of rice-field eels. 采用随机引物,在黄鳝二价体上建立了氚标记引物原位DNA合成技术,并详细探索了该技术的实验条件。
- The oocytes undergoing meiotic division sequentially extrude the first and the second small polar bodies from the large oocytes. 卵母细胞在减数分裂过程中相继排出第一和第二极体。
- The chiasmata observed during the later stages of the meiotic prophase are cytological evidence of earlier cross-over events. 在减数分裂前期末所看到的交叉是在这以前发生了互换事件的细胞学证据。
- Zygotene is characterized by the active and specific pairing(synapsis) of homologous chromosomes leading to the formation of a haploid number of bivalents. 偶线期时,以同源染色体活跃的、特定的配对(联会)为特征,形成了单倍数的二价染色体。
- The effect of cadmium on meiotic maturation and in vitro fertilization of mouse oocyte. 镉对小鼠卵母细胞成熟和体外受精的影响。
- In type one hybrids, chromosomes paired as bivalents, pollen mother cells divided into tetrads and capsule setting occurred after pollination of pollen acceptor. 第一种为染色体以二价体配对,花粉母细胞分裂形成四分子期,且授粉后可完成受精结子。
- Meiotic Observation and Male Gametes Development in Cytoplasmic Male Sterile of Pepper( Capsicum annuum L. 辣(甜)椒细胞质雄性不育系减数分裂和雄配子发生过程。
- Among the 25 pachytene cells, two telosomic chromosomes paired each other as bivalents and didn't pair with other normal chromosome 9 as multivalents in 96% cells. 对变异株的减数分裂染色体行为进行分析表明,在所观察的25个细胞中,96%25的细胞增加的两个端着丝粒染色体可配对形成二价体,一般不与正常的第9染色体配对形成多价体。