- melt down period 熔化期
- To reduce, convert, or melt down (fat) by heating. 熔解,精炼:通过加热减少、转化或熔化(脂肪)
- Melt down,can you feel the heat? 融化,你能感觉到那热力吗?
- Hold your breath and see if your hard disk begins to melt down. 屏住呼吸,观察硬盘是否有崩溃的迹象。
- There,in the wedding band boneyard,Charlotte started to melt down. 就在结婚戒指的改造中心;夏绿蒂开始变得心软了.
- Many of the gold ornaments were melted down to be made into coins. 很多黄金饰物回炉後铸成了金币。
- The lead was melted down and poured into moulds. 铅被熔化后倒入了铸模。
- She always melted down the plate she bought. 她总是把她买来的银器熔化。
- Metal scrap can be melted down and reused. 废旧金属可以熔化后再使用。
- "We had a down period - me personally as well - but it makes people stronger, more determined and focussed. “我们有过一段艰难时光,我个人也是,但是这能使人们更加坚强,更加努力和专注。
- I was afraid his whole plump body would melt into sweat, the way wax candles melt down to a puddle of oil. 我只怕他整个胖身体全化在汗里,像洋蜡烛化成一摊油。
- They melted down the silver cups. 他们把那些银杯子熔化开了。
- Those empty tins are then melted down and reused. 空罐经过熔炼后,还可重新利用。
- They melted down the silver cups . 他们把那些银杯子熔化开了。
- This workshop melts down the metal scrap. 这个车间熔化废金属。
- I havent seen the new AI Melo combo yet, but I feel the melt down is awaiting in Denver. 我还没见到AI和甜瓜组合的情况,但是我能感觉到丹佛会下跌的。
- With observation restored, Marine firepower invariably would melt down the Chinese mass to impotency. 随着观测能力的恢复,陆战队的火力总能够将中国人的集群打的无力抵抗。”
- Most recently it manifested itself in a melt down for being booed during a recent home game against the Suns. 在最近的湖人主场比赛里,他的表现算得上彻底的失败,球迷们给了他全场的,毫不留情的嘘声。
- Results More ACEs were observed during strong astronomical tide period,especially in up and down periods. 结果在强天文潮汐期内发生急性冠心病的患者显著多于其他时期,而且在朔望期发生的人数多于上、下弦期。
- But the wild card appears once again to be Rasheed Wallace, whose moods can light up or melt down the town. 但是华莱士的最近又语出惊人,他的情绪能够点燃或者毁掉这个球队。