- As a member economy of APEC since 1991,Hong Kong has participated actively in a wide range of activities under APEC. 香港在一九九一年成为亚太经合组织的成员后,一直积极三与亚太经合组织所推展的各项活动。
- As a member economy of APEC since 1991, Hong Kong has participated actively in a wide range of activities under APEC. 香港在一九九一年成为亚太经合组织的成员后,一直积极叁与亚太经合组织所推展的各项活动。
- In 1999,some 81 per cent of the HKSAR's total external trade was conducted with the other 20 member economies of APEC. 在一九九九年,香港与亚太经合组织其他20个成员的贸易,约占本港外贸总值的81%25。
- In 2001,some 80 per cent of Hong Kong's total external trade was conducted with the other 20 member economies of APEC. 二零零一年,香港与亚太经合组织其他20个成员的贸易,约占本港外贸总值的八成。
- It is my pleasure to be here in Vancouver this afternoon to address the distinguished business leaders of the 18 APEC member economies. 我今午有机会在温哥华这里向十八个亚太经合组织成员国的商界显赫领袖发言,实在感到十分高兴。
- In 2001, some 80 per cent of Hong Kong's total external trade was conducted with the other 20 member economies of APEC. 二零零一年,香港与亚太经合组织其他20个成员的贸易,约占本港外贸总值的八成。
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。
- Since the establishment of APEC, there have been great diversities among its member economies. APEC为了整合亚太地区的经济体,而将“开放性区域主义”视为其运作的指导原则。
- The Secretariat has two-category of staff.The first category is Professional Staff Memberswhich are seconded from the government of member economies. 答:分两类:一类是专业成员,从各成员经济体的政府部门中临时借调;
- A website is also being launched under the Collaborative Initiative to serve as a resource centre for sharing information about the debt markets in APEC member economies. 此外,合作计划现正推出互联网网页,作为亚太经合组织成员就债券市场交流意见的资源中心。
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。
- The local economy is now in a mess. 当地的经济现在很混乱。
- To strengthen cooperation so that all APEC member economies may benefit from economic globalization and scientific and technological progress should be an objective for APEC to strive for. 加强合作,使各成员从经济全球化和科技进步中受益,是亚太经合组织应为之努力的目标。
- To achieve its objectives, APEC SCCP member economies are working on a Collective Action Plan (CAP) by taking fully into consideration the FACTS Guiding Principles - Facilitation, Accountability, Consistency, Transparency and Simplification. 为达到目标,海关程序小组委员会成员正致力推行集体行动计划,并以"方便易行"、"具问责性"、"贯彻统一"、"具透明度"和"简化程序"作为计划的指导原则。
- The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。
- Technology is a booming sector of the economy. 技术是一个迅速发展的经济部门。
- Governments of member economies must take up their responsibility. At the same time, efforts should be made to mobilize the business and academic communities and bring their enthusiasm and creativity into full play. 各成员政府要承担应有的责任,同时要调动工商界和教育学术界的力量,发挥他们的积极性和创造力。
- The state of the economy is very worrying. 目前的经济状况令人十分担忧。
- He is an active member of the school's stamp club. 他是学校集邮俱乐部的一名活跃会员。
- The expanding economy enriched the peasants. 不断发展的经济使农民们富裕起来。