- membrana reticularis ductus cochlearis 蜗管网状膜
- membrana reticularis 网状膜
- Zona reticularis is responsible for glucocorticoid and sex hormone synthesis. 网状带负责合成糖皮质激素和性激素。
- Zona reticularis lies deep to zona fasciculata and abuts on the medulla in the head and body of the gland. 网状带位于束状带的下方,在头部和体部毗连髓质。
- Zona fasciculata lies between zona glomerulosa (beneath capsule) and zona reticularis (deep). 束状带位于球状带(被膜下方)和网状带(深处)之间。
- The three zones of adrenal cortex from capsule inwards : zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and the zona reticularis ? can be seen here. 肾上腺的三个区带来自于脏层被膜:球状带、束状带、网状带-可以被看到!
- Results The foreign bodys in 179 cases were took out successfully without haemorrhage,apnoea,obvious membrana mucosa injury and perforation. 结果179例消化道异物全部成功取出,术中无出血、窒息、黏膜明显损伤、穿孔等。
- Results The foreign bodys in 179 cases were took out successfully without haemorrhage, apnoea, obvious membrana mucosa injury and perforation. 结果179例消化道异物全部成功取出,术中无出血、窒息、黏膜明显损伤、穿孔等。
- The postoperative complication was membrana vitreous anterior opacification and retinal detachment opacification.They were happened among40 eyes. 发生术中、术后并发症,如后囊膜破裂、悬韧带断裂、玻璃体溢出、角膜水肿和后发障等共40眼。
- Objective:The present study was to demonstrate the direct efferent projections from the subnucleus reticularis dorsalis (SRD) to endogeneous pain control system in the rat. 目的:显示大鼠延髓网状背侧亚核向内源性镇痛系统的直接传出纤维投射。
- Results: The numerous NPY-like inmiunoreactive cells were localized in the nucleus vestibularis superious, nucleus cochlearis ventralis and nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis. 结果:在脑桥可见到前庭神经上核、耳蜗神经腹侧核及脑桥尾侧网状核NPY样免疫反应胞体。
- Objective: The present study was to demonstrate the direct efferent projections from the subnucleus reticularis dorsalis (SRD) to endogeneous pain control system in the rat. 摘要目的:显示大鼠延髓网状背侧亚核向内源性镇痛系统的直接传出纤维投射。
- Results Spinal cord, blood vessels, membrana pleuralis or lung tissue injury wasn't found.The direction and length of the screws were satisfied in the postoperative X-films. 结果患者术后均未出现脊髓神经、血管、胸膜或肺组织损伤等并发症。
- In the nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis, the distribution of NPY-like cells were sparse and these cells varied in size and were rhombus or shuttle in shape and had longer processes. 脑桥尾侧网状核内的NPY样胞体分布较稀疏,且大小不一,呈菱形或梭形,有明显较长的突起。
- membrana atlanto-occipitalis anterior 寰枕前膜
- leukopethia punctata reticularis symmetrica 对称性网点状白斑病
- membrana atlanto-occipitalis dorsalis 寰枕背(侧)膜
- livedo reticularis with summer ulceration 网状青斑伴夏令溃疡
- membrana atlanto-occipitalis posterior 寰枕后膜
- Livedo reticularis with ulceration 网状青斑伴溃疡