- Field is converted to a Multiple Lines of Text field or Memo field. 字段转换成多行文本字段或备注字段。
- Doing so would remind users that they are working with a Memo field. 这样做可以提醒用户:他们处理的是“备注”字段。
- Click the Control Source property box and select your memo field from the list. 单击“控件来源”属性框并从列表中选择您的备注字段。
- Typically, names such as "Comments" or "Notes" are applied to a Memo field. “备注”字段通常使用像“注释”或“说明”这样的名称。
- You cannot enable rich-text editing for a Memo field by pasting data. 不能通过粘贴数据来对“备注”字段启用RTF编辑。
- The number of characters in the Memo field must fall within the size set for the Number field. 备注字段中的字符数必须在为数字字段设置的大小范围内。
- For information about adding a memo field to a table, see Enable rich text editing in a table, earlier in this article. 有关向表中添加备注字段的信息,请参阅本文前面的在表中启用格式文本编辑。
- Memo fields are useful for storing large amounts of information. “备注”字段适用于存储大量信息。
- Click the row selector (the blank square) next to the Memo field and press DELETE. 单击“备注”字段旁边的行选择器(空白方块),然后按Delete。
- Use the Text Format property of a Memo field to specify whether the field supports formatted text. 使用备注字段的“文本格式”属性可指定字段是否支持格式化文本。
- When enabled, users can add data to the Memo field, but they cannot change or remove existing data. 启用时,用户可以向“备注”字段中添加数据,但不能更改或删除现有数据。
- You use a Memo field when you need to store large amounts of text in a database. 当您需要在数据库中存储大量文本时,应使用“备注”字段。
- Allow entry (by setting to Yes) of a zero-length string (") in a Text or Memo field. 允许在文本或备注字段中输入零长度字符串(")(通过设置为“是”)。
- Data in a Memo field is not compressed unless it requires 4,096 bytes or less of storage space after compression. 对于“备注”字段中的数据,除非要求压缩后的存储空间不超过4,096字节,否则不会压缩。
- In addition, you can now apply rich-text formatting to the data in a Memo field. 此外,您现在还可以对“备注”字段中的数据应用RTF格式。
- When you use Design view to add a Memo field to a table, you can set and change a number of properties for the field. 使用设计视图来向表中添加“备注”字段时,可以设置和更改字段的许多属性。
- Specifies if a window is automatically opened for a TextBox control that is bound to a memo field . 指定当文本框控件绑定备注型字段时,是否自动打开备注窗口。
- To follow the steps, you must be working in an Office Access 2007 database, and you must have a table that contains a memo field. 要按照这些步骤操作,必须使用Office Access 2007数据库,而且必须有一个包含备注字段的表。
- Because your table contains a memo field, Office Access 2007 places a text box control on your form and binds the control to the field. 因为您的表包含一个备注字段,所以Office Access 2007会在窗体上放置一个文本框控件,并将该控件绑定到该字段。
- These steps explain how to add a control to a form, bind the control to a memo field, and then enable rich text editing. 下列步骤解释如何向窗体中添加控件,将该控件绑定到备注字段,然后启用格式文本编辑。