- memorial to file throne 奏章
- The church service is a memorial to the disaster victim. 该礼拜仪式是悼念这场灾难中的受害者。
- They had the insolence to file a complaint. 他们竟蛮横地提起控诉。
- Finally she had to file an action for divorce. 最后她只好提出离婚诉讼。
- She decided to file for divorce. 她决意起诉要求离婚。
- The church service is a memorial to those killed in the war. 这次教堂礼拜是对战争中阵亡者的纪念仪式。
- One of my duties is to file the letters. 我的职责之一是将信件归档。
- It is a memorial to the martyrs. 这是烈士纪念碑。
- They addressed the memorial to the legislature. 他们向立法机构提交请愿书。
- This statue is a memorial to a great statesman. 这尊雕像是纪念一位伟大的政治家的.
- I am damn well going to file charges against him. 我肯定要对他提出控告
- He went to the court to file a suit. 他去法院告状。
- The service is a memorial to those killed in the war. 祈祷仪式是为纪念在战争中牺牲的人。
- You should first try to file away the rough edges. 你得首先将粗糙的边锉平。
- RPC from core client to file upload handler. 从核心服务器到文件上传处理模块的远程过程调用。
- Optimizations to file loading system. 载入文件系统优化。
- The transformation of the memorial to the throne from open to secret and from unofficial to official is a process of standardization and legalization. 奏折从公开到秘密、从非正式文书到正式上行文书的演变过程是奏折制度规范化和法律化的过程。
- Not enough memory to store PEM file data. 16没有足够的内存来贮存PEM文件数据。
- Could not attach database '%.*ls' to file '%.*ls'. 未能将数据库 ''%251!'' 附加到文件 ''%253!''。
- English: Not enough memory to store PEM file data. 没有足够的内存来贮存PEM文件数据。