- Of or relating to the cure of disease. 治疗的治疗的或与治疗有关的。
- The cure of disease of malign organization cell? 恶性组织细胞病的治疗?
- mental curing of disease 以意气攻病法
- Conduce to the cure of disease of hyperfunction of emphysema, thyroid function. 所有的维生素都是必需的,无法摄取维生素就无法维持生命。
- The psychiatrists state that cure of diseases like emotional tension, blood pressure, ulcer, TB, and mental madness is possible only by rooting out anger. 精神病学家声明治疗类似精神紧张、高血压、溃疡、疯癫等疾病的方面只有通过根除我们的愤怒。
- The impotence of medical services to change life expectancy and insignificance of much contemporary clinical care in the curing of disease are all obvious, well-documented. 译:医疗服务不能改变预期寿命,许多当代的临床护理在治病中所起的作用也并不重要,这些都是毫无疑问的,有大量文件证明了的。
- Medicine: the science concerned with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease. 对此定义的权威性还有什么问题?还能否认医学不是科学吗?
- The basic study of biomedicine is significance for origin of life, evolution of species, control of heredity and precention and cure of disease. 生物医学基础研究对生命起源物种进化、控制遗传以及防治疾病都具有重要意义。
- The habit of ecosystem,cultivation,management and prevention &cure of disease of Silver arowana are introduced in the paper. 对银龙鱼的生态习性,饲养管理及疾病防治等方面作了综述。
- If although anaemic reason already was found out, but the cure of basic disease hard be successful, anaemic also difficult eradicative, can take pair of disease therapy only. 如果贫血的原因虽已查明,但基本疾病的治疗难以奏效,则贫血亦难根除,只能采取对症治疗。
- On the feeding,the tetracycline medicine is playing an important role in promoting the livestock and poultry growing,improving feed reward,prevention and cure of disease etc. 养殖业上,四环素类药物在促进畜禽生长、提高饲料报酬、疾病防治等方面发挥着重要作用。
- They had nothing that could cure of his disease. 他们没有一点能治愈他疾病的东西了。
- The mosquito is a transmitter of disease. 蚊子能传播疾病。
- After the scourge of war came the scourge of disease. 战乱之后瘟疫又接踵而来。
- Women's hygiene,the prevention and cure of diseases,midwifery and breast-feeding,etc,are women's special problems. 至于妇女卫生、疾病防治、娃娃接生、喂奶等,这些都是妇女的特殊问题。
- The findings provide a new way for the prevention and cure of diseases of lipid dysfunction such as hepar adiposum. 这为脂肪肝等脂类代谢异常类疾病的防治提供了一条新的途径。
- Am I normal? Mental health? Intentional li of disease? 我正常么?心理健康么?有心里疾病吗?
- This paper introduces the immunity function of seleniu m, and discusses the effects of selenium on prevention and cure of diseases. 本文介绍了硒的免疫功能,并讨论硒在疾病防治中的作用。
- A healthy animal, free of disease; free from need. 没有疾病的健康动物; 自给自足
- The doctor devoted himself to the cure of cancer . 这名医生把自己奉献于癌症的治疗上。