- His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他的妻子经常鼓励他。
- The answer came to her in a flash of inspiration. 她突然来了一阵灵感,答案想出来了。
- He wasn't rid of the mental burden. 他摆脱不了精神负担。
- He's suffering from severe mental disorder. 他患有严重的精神病。
- Physical disability causes mental anguish. 生理伤残会引起心理苦闷。
- I cannot write without inspiration. 没有灵感我写不出东西。
- He has a mental block about maths. 他一遇到数学问题就糊涂。
- We should pay more attention to our mental health. 我们应该更注重心理健康。
- His problem is mental, not physical. 他的问题是心理的而不是身体的。
- He was certified and sent to a mental hospital. 他经诊断为精神失常而送往精神病院。
- A strong creative impulse; divine inspiration. 灵感,神感强烈的创造欲; 神明启示
- A mental deviation or aberration. 神经错乱或精神变态
- A mental or moral twist, aberration, or deviation. 不正常精神或道德上的扭曲、变态或歪曲
- Insufficient mental development. 智力缺陷,智障智能发育不足
- The hospital cares for some fifty mental patients. 这家医院照料五十名左右精神病患者。
- His mental decay is distressing. 他的智力衰退令人苦恼。
- He got the answer by mental arithmetic. 他用心算得出了答案。
- Let's give mutual support and inspiration to each other. 让我们互相支持,互相鼓励。
- He is good at mental arithmetic. 他擅长心算。
- Her mental anguish was beyond words. 她内心的痛苦难以用言语形容。