- Behavior is babyish, foolish, messy, mental symptom is rich and changeful. 行为幼稚、愚蠢、零乱,精神症状丰富易变。
- The main nervous and mental symptom was the extremity latent tetany (57.14%, P <0.01). 并发低钙血症者较血清钙正常者病死率为高(P<0.;05)。
- The performance of periodic mental disease is more, general component is prodrome, mental symptom and body symptom. 周期性精神病的表现较多,一般分为前驱症状,精神症状和躯体症状。
- According to mental symptom characteristic, choose fight angst drug, fight depressed drug or fight chlorpromazine to have treatment. 根据精神症状特点,选用抗焦虑药、抗抑郁药或抗精神病药进行治疗。
- Intermittence sends the author's course of diseases, appear quickly in mental symptom after proper time, removed in order to alleviate period. 间歇发作者的病程,在精神症状急剧出现一定时间后,间隔以缓解期。
- When meningitis, mental symptom is recognizant obstacle, can blur conciously or show muddle, the likelihood has excitement of psychedelic, motility. 脑膜炎时,精神症状是意识障碍,可有意识模糊或呈混浊状态,可能有幻觉、运动性兴奋。
- Through cure, mental symptom can be eliminated basically, abstain force to restore, the family member is eager to receiving a patient to leave hospital, this cannot be taken. 经过治疗,精神症状可基本消除,自制力恢复,家属急于接病人出院,这是不可取的。
- After being treated with antipsychotic and other somatic therapies, the schizophreniacs' main mental symptom usually disappear and their cognitive functions often gradually become normal. 精神分裂症患者经抗精神病药物及其他躯体疗法治疗后,其主要临床精神症状常渐消失,其认知功能亦逐步恢复,此时,应不失时机地对持有一定程度的正常认知功能患者(GAS评分在61以上),立即配合心理行为教育性干预。
- Results:irregular menstruation of knowledge women is related to mental symptom such as unstable emotion,agitation,irritation,suspicious,fidget,strain,dread,scare,loneliness,oppression,anxiety. 结果:知识女性月经不调与焦虑、情绪不稳、易激动、烦躁、易怒、多疑、压抑、紧张、恐惧、孤独等精神症状有关;
- The toxin that poisonous fungus produces has the quality that drafts chlorpromazine content, can produce noxiousness effect to central nervous system directly and appear mental symptom. 毒蕈产生的毒素具有拟精神病药物的性质,可直接对中枢神经系统产生毒性作用而出现精神症状。
- Results Misdiagnoses is extremely easy to occur during the arise of Wilson s degeneration with dysphrenia heading by mental symptoms. 结果肝豆状核变性所致精神障碍以精神症状为首发病时,极易造成误诊。
- Both dement patients with jealousy delusion and 60 % ones without jealousy delusion showed one or one and over other mental symptoms at last. 所有伴有嫉妒妄想的痴呆患者与60%25无嫉妒妄想的痴呆患者均至少伴有一种或一种以上的其它精神症状,嫉妒妄想组在伴有被害妄想及幻听症状中有显著性差异。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- Compared with those inclined to introversive control, people with extroversive control had les s positive emotion, more negative emotion and more mental symptoms. 在同样性质、同样大小的刺激作用下,有些人产生严重的健康 损害 ,但有些人产生较轻的适应困难,还有一些人则安然无恙。
- He wasn't rid of the mental burden. 他摆脱不了精神负担。
- He's suffering from severe mental disorder. 他患有严重的精神病。
- A fever is a symptom of illness. 发烧是生病的症状。
- Physical disability causes mental anguish. 生理伤残会引起心理苦闷。
- He has a mental block about maths. 他一遇到数学问题就糊涂。
- We should pay more attention to our mental health. 我们应该更注重心理健康。