- The roads merge a kilometre ahead. 这两条道路在前面一公处汇合成一条大道。
- The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers. 新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。
- A dose of this stuff will purge you! 这种药只须一剂就能让你通便!
- We may purge water by distillation. 我们可以用蒸馏法使水净化。
- The two lanes merge going into the tunnel. 两条车道会合后引入隧道。
- Where does this stream merge into the Rhine? 这条小河在什么地方与莱茵河合流?
- merge purge 合并清除
- Mr Johnson's has decided to merge with the parent firm. 约翰逊先生的公司已决定和母公司合并。
- The people wished to purge their sins. 这些人希望涤净他们的罪恶。
- How can I purge this shame from my heart? 我怎么能从心头除去这一耻辱?
- We do that to purge away our sins. 我们那么做来洗清我们的罪过。
- Try to purge your spirit of hatred. 尽量涤净你灵魂中的仇恨。
- The shadows slowly merge together. 这些阴影慢慢地融合在一起了。
- They tried to purge metal of dross. 他们试图清除金属熔化时浮升表面的渣滓。
- From the File menu, choose Merge Registration File. 在“文件”菜单上,选择“合并登记文件”项。
- Merge the old file to this file and send to radio. 合并这个旧文件到此文件中然后发送到机器。
- You must purge the evil from among you. 这样,就把那恶从你们中间除掉。
- To mix so that the components become united; merge. 使结合使各部分结合在一起;联合
- The two roads merge a mile ahead. 两条路在前面一英里处会合。
- Nothing could purge the guilt from her mind. 她内心的愧疚是无法消除的。