- The commercial hanks can choose one of the following modes of development: natural growth, merging and acquisition, and forming conglomerate. 商业银行的成长路径主要有自然成长、购并成长和跨组织成长三种方式可供选择;
- Mergence and acquisition (M&A) of public companies was one of the achievements in the development of stock market in China. 摘要上市公司并购是证券市场发展到一定阶段的产物。
- Treasury Ministry of China announced Enterprise Accounting Regulation in 2001, setting some basic principle on consolidated financial statements. But detailed regulations on accounting entry of merge and acquisition are unavailable. 财政部2001年颁布的《企业会计制度》对于合并会计报表提出了一些基本原则,但对于具体合并业务的会计操作,也没有详细的规定。
- cross - border merge and acquisition 跨国并购
- cross-border merging and acquisition 跨国并购
- bank merge and acquisition (M&A) 银行并购
- Merge and Acquisition of trans-corporation 跨国并购
- Mergence and acquisition of commercial banks 商业银行兼并
- foreign capital's merging and acquisition 外资并购
- Foreign Capitals Merge and Acquisition 外资并购
- hotel merge and acquisition (M&A) 饭店并购
- Mergence and acquisitions have impacted on the surfactant industry with globalization being a main goal. 全球化已成为表面活性剂工业的发展目标。合并与收购不断地影响着表面活性剂行业。
- merge and acquisition of transnational corporation 外资并购
- merging and acquisition by foreign investments 外资并购
- enterprise's mergence and Acquisition 企业并购
- mergeness and acquisition 并购
- However, Taiwanese-based company is more difficult to get benefits from company merges and acquisitions, building up brand name due to long learning curve and with less acquisition experiences. 然而,台商想要藉由跨国收购快速建立品牌知名度,扩充规模的策略,并非想像中的容易,且由于经验不足,而往往需要付出更多的学习时间及成本。
- On the Accounting Method for Firm Merges and Acquisition 论企业合并的会计方法选择
- Assets Evaluation On Company'S Merge And Acquisition; 公司合并与收购的资产评估;
- The ectrum of love merges and focuses all of the arets of living. 爱的光谱汇合并且集中了所有生活艺术。