- mesenchymal mixed tumor 间质混合瘤
- Objective: To evaluate the values of MRI in differential diagnosis of mixed tumor of parotid gland and Warthin's tumor. 摘要目的:探讨磁共振成像检查对腮腺多形性腺瘤与沃辛瘤的鉴别诊断价值。
- Several terms, such as cutaneous collision tumor, cutaneous mixed tumor and biphasic sarcomatoid carcinoma have been described. 其他如皮肤碰撞性或混合性肿瘤或是双相性类肉瘤性癌都曾被提出来描述此类肿瘤。
- Conclusion: Most of mixed tumor of parotid gland and Warthin's tumor can be diagnosed exactly by the analysis of MRI findings and clinical material. 结论:磁共振成像检查的特征表现和临床资料相结合对腮腺多形性腺瘤与沃辛瘤可正确诊断。
- Mixed tumor is the most common benign tumor of the major salivary glands, and is also commonly found in minor salivary glands. 摘要混合瘤是大唾液腺中最常见的良性肿瘤,于小唾液腺中也很常见。
- More cases of Warthin's tumor were over 50 years old (6/10), it was different from that of mixed tumor of parotid gland (P<0.01). 年龄分布上沃辛瘤为50岁以上者多见(6/10),多形性腺瘤中50岁以上与50岁以下者分布相近,各为4例(P<0.;01)。
- Results 1) The rate of misdiagnosis was 70.6%, especially which of leiomyosarcoma was the highest (85.2%)and which of Malignant mullerian mixed tumor is the lowest. (36.4%). 结果 1) 误诊率达70.;6%25,最常被误诊为子宫肌瘤,平滑肌肉瘤误诊率最高(85
- The prognosis of malignant mixed tumor is poor due to local recurrence and distant metastasis in half of these patients via hemtogenous and lymphogenous spread-ings. 由于恶性混和瘤可经由血液及淋巴转移,半数患者有局部复发和远处转移现象,所以预后不佳。
- The radiologic diagnosis was malignant lacrimal gland tumor such as mixed tumor or adenocystic carcinoma.Total excision was done and pathology revealed embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. 手术全切除肿瘤后送病理化验,结果为胚胎性横纹肌肉瘤。
- Malignant mixed tumor is a rare neoplasm of salivary gland.The patho-logical characteristic of this tumor is carci-noma within the benign pleomorphic adenoma. 摘要恶性混合瘤是一种少见的唾液腺恶性肿瘤,主要特徵就是病理切片上同时可见良性混合瘤和恶性细胞,且临床上时常复发。
- Conclusion The parotid mixed tumor has some characteristic imaging signs.It could diagnose the tumor correctly with combined these five imaging methods. 结论混合瘤影像学上具有一定的特点,几种检查互补有利于正确诊断。
- The transformation of epithelial components within a preexisting mixed tumor becomes a possibility if the mixed tumor has been present for ten or more years. 它被认为可从良性黏液瘤而来,先前存在的良性黏液瘤,若持续十或十年以上其上皮部份就有恶性病变的可能。
- Abstract: Purpose To explore imaging characteristics of parotid mixed tumor and to study shortage and advantage of EBCT CTS 3D-CT Flow scan and MRI in diagnosis of the tumor. 摘 要: 目的 探索腮腺混合瘤影像学征象特点和EBCT、CTS、3D-CT、流动扫描和MRI对混合瘤诊断的优缺点。
- mesenchymal epithelial mixed tumors 间叶上皮混合瘤
- Two cases of rare eyelid mixed tumors are reported clinicopathologically. 本篇报告二例罕见之眼睑混合性肿瘤之临床病理特徵。
- Results The CT and MRI manifestations of intracranial mixed tumor were exactly like meningioma, glioma, and hypophysoma, etc, therefore it was usually misdiagnosed the common tumor. 结果颅内混合瘤的CT、MRI表现酷似脑膜瘤、胶质瘤和垂体瘤等,不熟悉此类肿瘤的临床和病理知识,可错诊为常见肿瘤。
- Conclusion The postoperative complications of paro tid mixed tumor correcated with surgical method-skill and incorrect trentment af ter operation,but the complications can be dec... 结论腮腺混合瘤术后并发症的发生与手术方式、操作技术及术后处理不当有关,采取适当的预防措施,可减少并发症的发生,给予正确处理后均能缓解。
- Don't mix up this pair of synonyms. 别把这两个近义词混淆了。
- The most common malignant parotid tumors in adults are the following: (1) mucoepidermoid carcinoma, (2) adenoid cystic carcinoma, and (3) malignant mixed tumor. 最常见的成人恶性腮腺肿瘤如下: ( 1 )黏液表皮样癌, ( 2 )腺样囊性癌,以及( 3 )恶性混合瘤。