- Hardness is caused by divalent metallic cations. 硬度是由一些两价金属阳离子引起的。
- Heats of hydration of divalenttransition metal cations. 二价过渡元素离子水化热等。
- Heats of hydration of divalent transition metal cations. 二价过渡元素离子水化热等.
- Capillary zone electrophoresis(CZE) was used to determine metal cations in Longjing Tea 6mmol/L lmidazol solution was used as background electrolyte. 本实验采用毛细管电泳间接紫外检测技术测定了西湖龙井茶中金属离子的质量浓度。
- As metal cations exist, not only decarboxylation occursbut also carbonyl-oxygen bond ruptures forming carbonyl free radical. 认为由于金属阳离子的存在,有机酸盐热解时不仅发生脱羧作用,而且发生酰氧键断裂形成羰基自由基,羰基自由基的再断裂就会形成一氧化碳,而烃源岩中大量活泼的甲基自由基很容易和这些羰基自由基结合,形成大量酮-2。
- When metal-bearing solution moved along deep faults to cavities or frac tures, the metal cations reated with pyrite and organic matter and precipitated as sulfid... 在构造减压带中,铅锌配合物交代地层中的黄铁矿或被有机质还原而沉淀富集。
- Cucurbit[6]uril adducts with metal cation and naphthylamine in the water, be a new supramolecular adducts. 在水溶液中,六元瓜环与金属阳离子及萘胺发生作用,形成一种新颖的超分子配合物。
- Currently there are several sorts of antibacterial polymers such as polymers containing heavy metal cations, pyridinium and quaternary ammonium salt polymers, and N-halamine . 在众多类型的抗菌高分子材料中,卤胺型的抗菌高分子材料由于其独有的可再生性能及广谱的抗菌性,受到学术界的广泛关注。
- Metal oxides contain a metal cation and the oxide anion (O2-); they typically react with water to form Bases or with acids to form salts. 金属氧化物是含有一个金属阳离子和氧化物阴离子(O2-)的结晶固体。它们典型地与水反应生成碱,或与酸反应生成盐。
- In this paper, the effects of processing temperature,acidify and alkalinity, sodium chloride and accharose, and four metal cations on the stability of the pigment of Basel-la rubra L. are reported . 本文以藤菜鲜果为原料,用藤菜鲜果的稀水溶液为研究对象,对藤菜紫色素在不同PH介质、不同温度及光照条件下的稳定性进行了研究,并讨论了若干金属离子及食盐和蔗糖对该色素的影响。
- After mature granules formation, effect of cellular dehydration caused by proton translocation became most important in granules growing up, but effects of two value metal cations and ECPs were also important. 而在颗粒污泥形成后的增长阶段,质子跨膜迁移引起的细胞脱水作用变得显著,二价阳离子架桥和ECPs的作用在这一阶段也同样很重要。
- Before mature granules formation, three-frame structure formed by filamentous bacteria, bridge formed by two value metal cations and conglutination of extracellular polymers (ECPs) played important roles. 通过污泥培养过程照片观察以及对污泥微生物的扫描电镜观察,重点分析了上层絮状污泥颗粒化机理:在颗粒化初始和形成阶段,丝状菌形成三维框架、二价金属阳离子架桥以及胞外多聚物(ECPs)粘连的作用是非常重要的;
- SrxBa1-xNb2O6(x=0.5) ceramic powders were synthesized by the aqueous organic gel routes. The desired metal cations were chelated in a solution by using citric acid and ethylenedi-aminetertraacetic acid (EDTA) as the chelating agents. 以柠檬酸和乙二胺四乙酸为配位剂与金属离子配位;以水作为溶剂;采用有机凝胶法合成了纳米SrxBa1-xNb2O6(x=0.;5)陶瓷粉体
- Generally, soils possess net electric charge which could attract metal cation.We could use of this property to adsorb metal cations or replace inorganic cations and remove heavy metal contamination. 由于一般土壤大多带阴电荷,所以可用来吸附金属阳离子,并利用此特性进行土壤中重金属污染之吸持或取代去除。
- Hardness is caused by divalent metallic cations 硬度是由一些两价金属阳离子引起的。
- The permselectivities of the bivalent heavy metal cation Cu~(2+), Co~(2+) , Ni~(2+), Zn~(2+) to mag-nesium ion Mg~(2+) across the home-made ELM cation exchange membrane were studied duringthe electrodialysis process. 本文研究了电渗析过程中两份重金属阳离子Cu~(2+),Co~(2+),Ni~(2+),Zn~(2+)等对基准离子Mg~(2+)透过国产聚乙烯异相阳膜的选择透过系数,它们在膜内的淌度比以及它们在膜内的选择吸附系数;
- The latest research progress in supramolecular fluorescence/phosphorescence sensors and switches used for metal cation recognition is summarized. Two types of systems were reviewed, photo-induced electron transfer and monomer-excimer systems. 摘要本文总结了近年来用于金属离子识别的超分子荧光/磷光传感器的研究工作进展,著重介绍了光诱导电子转移及单体-激基缔合物体系在金属离子识别中的应用。
- The emery is a hard metallic substance. 金刚砂是非常坚硬的金属物质。
- Results indicated that pore size distribution of the high surface area activated carbons was strongly affected by the diameter of the metal cation and reduction activity of the metal. 结果表明:助活化剂中阳离子的半径及还原后相应金属的还原能力强烈影响着活性炭的孔分布;
- This is a kind of metallic paint. 这是一种有金属光泽的涂料。