- Deeo-Space Metallogenic Predication Study and Its Application in Jiaojia Gold Belt of Shandong 山东省焦家成矿带深部金矿成矿预测研究及其应用
- metallogenic predication 成矿预测
- The Chipof's distribution law was used for predication of the two metallogenic sections of the Anjiayingzi gold mine. 应用齐波夫分布律对安家营子金矿田两条主要的成矿区段进行了预测。
- The predication theories include of similar analogy, ore deposit model, geo-anomaly, deposit metallogenic series and metallogenic system. 预测理论有相似类比理论、矿床模型理论以及地质异常理论、成矿系列和成矿系统理论等。
- And further more, a metallogenic model is set up. 进而确定了卧龙泉金矿床的成矿模式。
- The predication for software reliability and bug mount. 软件可靠性以及BUG数量的预测。
- Metallogenic mode is generally vein fill ( metasomatic). 成矿方式多为热液脉状充填(交代)式。
- The metallogenic materals mainly came from the host wallrock. 成矿物质主要来自赋矿围岩。
- Based on analyses of metallogenic characteristic and ore genesi... 文章通过对该矿成矿特征及矿床成因分析,提出了找矿方向。
- Narigongma is a large Cu-Mo deposit found in the Sanjiang metallogenic belt. 纳日贡玛铜钼矿床是位于三江成矿带的大型铜(钼)矿床。
- Middle south Tibet is one of uranium metallogenic provinces in China. 西藏自治区南部中段是铀成矿的有利地区之一。
- The possibility of metallogenic materials,form basic dyke is also discussed. 并探讨了该区基性脉岩提供成矿物质的可能性。
- Metallogenic condition here is ok and it is potential for further exploration. 矿区具有较好的成矿地质条件和扩大矿床规模的潜力。
- Experiments show the model occupies preferable predication performance and practicability. 实验表明该模型具有较强的预测能力和实用性。
- What we are going to introduce briefly is the predication analysis proposed by the linguist G Leech. 我们现在要介绍的是英国语言学家G里奇提出的述谓结构分析法。
- An argument is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal element(s) in a sentence. 一个论元是一个述谓的一个逻辑参与者,与一个句子中的一个或数个名词性成分大体一致。
- This article concluded with an optimistic predication of typology study in China in the future. 文章还对类型学在我国未来的发展作了乐观的展望。
- Based on the analysis, the paper also made a predication of future inflow volume of tourist in the island. 在此基础上,根据各主要旅游障碍因素的影响权重,对未来的入岛游客量进行了“障碍因素消除后”的预测。
- Among them the Precambrian and Cenozoic eras are the main metallogenic epoches in the world. 就全球而言,前寒武纪和新生代是金矿的重要成矿期。
- Application of nearest neighbor bootstrap regressive model in predication of water environment. 最近邻抽样回归模型在水环境预测中的应用。