- In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
- This paragraph employs both metaphor and analogy. 这段文字采用了比兴的手法。
- It is not always reliable to argue by analogy. 用类推法论证并不总是可靠的。
- He drew this conclusion on the analogy of yours. 他根据你的理论类推得出这个结论。
- There's no analogy between his position and yours. 他的见解与你的并无相似之处。
- metaphor analogy 隐喻类推
- She has a striking originality in her use of metaphor. 她在运用隐喻方面有独创性。
- My theory applies to you and by analogy to others like you. 我的理论适用於你,照此类推,也适用於像你这样的其他人。
- I seem to be floundering in a sea of metaphor. 我好象在一大堆比喻里挣扎。
- This light is a metaphor for the flame of creation. 这种光是对创造的火焰的一种隐喻。
- He explained the subject by analogy. 他用类推法说明了这个问题。
- It is no less figurative than metaphor. 它的修辞性不比隐喻少。
- Let us distinguish the various types of metaphor. 让我们把各种隐喻分类。
- This metaphor is very appropriate. 这个比喻非常贴切。
- Beyond that, the analogy is far from exact. 除了这点之外,这比拟很不确切。
- Here we speak only by way of analogy. 这里不过是打一个比方。
- Never bend your interface to fit a metaphor. 不要让你的界面屈从某个隐喻。
- He wanted to use the baseball as a metaphor. 他想用垒球作个比喻。
- The analogy is rather farfetched. 这个比方有点驴唇不对马嘴。
- I may emulate his choice of metaphor. 我可以借用他的说法。