- meter kilogram second ampere units 米千克秒安制
- A unit of energy and work in the meter - kilogram - second system,equal to the work performed by a one - kilogram force acting through a distance of one meter. 千克米米-千克-秒单位制中能量和功的单位,等于在1千克力作用下沿力方向移动1米距离时力所作的功
- A second system that requires MOND and relativity is the universe at large. 另一个同时需要MOND与相对论的系统就是整个宇宙。
- The second system covers the products offered by the company and addresses requirements 2-5. 第二个系统包括公司提供的产品,满足需求2-5。
- The second system,for subject that are rather away, is a passive system. as found in most of SLR'S. 第二种对焦系统针对较远的目标,采用的是与大多数单反相机一样的被动对焦系统。
- The second system is useful in preventing blur on a picture that includes fast movement. 第二个系统功能的作用是防止影像快速运动时,在图片上形成污点。
- Meter, kilogram and second are basic units. 没有单位的结果是没有意义的!
- A second system, called the Waltham system6, employed women in their late teens and early twenties who worked in large factories. 姑娘们住在宿舍或寄宿房里,受到女舍监的严格看管,以免她们名誉受损。
- The report Friday quotes sources as saying gas had been fed into the second system this week and that the results of the proce already had been obtained. 报导星期五援引消息人士的话说,工程人员这个星期已经向第二组系统中注入了气体,并已从相关程序中获得了结果。
- In jawed vertebrates, this system is supplemented with a second system, known as adaptive immunity, which involves a specialized network of immune cells and organs. 在有腭脊椎动物中,此系统还有第二系统辅助,即一般所称之适应性免疫,其包含免疫细胞与器官形成的特殊防御网络。
- In the meter-kilogram-second system, the unit of force required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram one meter per second per second, equal to100, 000 dynes. 牛顿米/千克/秒体系中每秒钟使一公斤的物体加速一米所需力的单位,等于十万达因
- These apples cost five yuan per kilogram. 这些苹果每公斤五元。
- In the meter-kilogram-second system,the unit of force required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram one meter per second per second,equal to 100,000 dynes. 牛顿米/千克/秒体系中每秒钟使一公斤的物体加速一米所需力的单位,等于十万达因。
- One thousand grams are equal to one kilogram. 一千克等於一公斤。
- In the picture a man is seen observing a meter. 你在图中可以看见一个人在观察仪表。
- The baby has put on one kilogram during the last month. 在过去一个月里婴儿体重增添了两斤。
- Do you remember the reading on the meter? 你记得表上的读数吗?
- The boy is one meter tall in his stocking feet. 这个小男孩不穿鞋的身高是一米。
- Fantastic, he cleared2.4 meter without difficulty. 好极了,他轻松地越过了2米4。
- He singled and went to second on a passed ball. 他击出一垒打,再因对方漏接而跑上二垒。