- Therefore, with the exception of certain municipalities, the metropolitan government oversees all of these services. 因此,除了一部分市町村,都政府统一处理相关事务。
- A Cabbage Field makes an appearance at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building! 东京都厅大楼出现了一片卷心菜地!
- The metropolitan government is leading the nation in enacting a new ordinance on socalled law evading drugs. 都政府正在引导国家制定一项关于逃避法律毒品的法规。
- It would also be essential to take a broad perspective in reviewing the relationship between the metropolitan government and the wards. 站在一定的高度去审查都政府和周边区之间的关系,也是十分重要的。
- The metropolitan government levies taxes on 16 items among the local taxes shown in the schematic drawing of the Local Tax System. 地方税体系的示意图显示,东京都政府在地方税里制定了16项税收条目。
- Don't forget to visit the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. an observatory on the 45th floor where there are breathtaking views of Tokyo. 不要忘记参观东京的大都会政府大楼,那里的45楼有一个瞭望台,有东京令人惊艳的美景。
- Yet the restrictions imposed by Tsukiji's manager, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, may be killing the fish that spawned the golden roe. 然而,筑地鱼市的管理者东京都政府发布的这一限制,很可能无异于杀死可以产下金卵的鱼。
- The ordinary accounts of the metropolitan government for fiscal 2004 amounted to a total revenue of 6.309 trillion yen and a total expenditure of 6.162 trillion yen. 2004年度东京都政府的普通会计决算;总收入达6.;309万亿日元;总支出达6
- Past efforts made by various metropolitan government departments to collaborate with local authorities in boosting the vitality of community projects has been effective. 通过东京都政府各部门和地方政府的合作及共同努力,建设充满活力的社区的计划取得了显著的成果。
- As the workings of the metropolitan administration have become increasingly varied and complex, the metropolitan government has become large and unwieldy. 随着东京都的行政工作越来越多样化和复杂化,东京都政府变得越来越庞大和难以运行。
- Through this system, the metropolitan government makes financial adjustments both between itself and the special wards and among the special wards themselves. 通过这个系统,东京都政府在其自身与特别行政之间做出财政调整。
- The metropolitan government is striving to combat crime and create a society in which all residents, both children and adults, are able to live in safety. 都政府正努力打击犯罪,为所有的居民,包括大人和孩子,创造一个安全的社会环境。
- The metropolitan government is working towards the establishment of the world-leading emission controls and called for drastic measures to be taken on a national level. 都政府向建立国际领先的排放物控制的方向而努力,要求采取强烈措施制定国家标准。
- The metropolitan government will also create an environment where the residents of Tokyo can come into contact with and cultivate culture and pass this onto future generations. 都政府也会创立一个居民可以接触和开发文化并把它传给下一代的环境。
- The metropolitan government will take all measures necessary in urging the national government to adopt a concrete approach to the revitalization of Japan. 都政府将采取所有必要的措施驱策国家政府为振兴日本制定一个具体方案。
- The Tokyo metropolitan government will appoint an officer to lead the bid on Oct. 1 and set up a preparatory committee by the end of October, Ishihara told an assembly meeting. 除东京之外,日本的另外两座城市--札幌和福冈也对申办2016年奥运会表示出很大兴趣,并且已经成立了筹备机构。
- What contributions could the research of the NTMI make to the theory of metropolitan government and governance? 对立基于西方都会政府与都会治理的理论,北台都会整合的特质有何理论意涵?
- This agreement aims to ensure preparation for the aftermath of an earthquake disaster through collaboration between the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and experts from normal times. 此协议旨在通过平常东京都政府和专家之间的合作,为地震灾后作好准备工作。
- However, institutions of metropolitan governance are rare, and when they exist they are highly centralized, with little citizen participation. 无论如何,大城市的政府管治是缺乏的,当它存在时,又是高度集权的,几乎没有市民可以参与。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。