- East Siberia basin and Tarim basin are all ancient craton basins where a series of oil-gas fields have been found, with different scales and reserves. 摘要东西伯利亚盆地和塔里木盆地皆为古老的克拉通盆地,都发现有一系列的油气田,只是规模有别。
- The prototypes of the monotype basins can further be divided into craton basins,extensional basins and compressional basins. 单型盆地的原型可以划分为克拉通盆地、拉张盆地和挤压盆地。
- Tarim basin is a huge superposed basin composed of Paleozoic cratonic basin and Meso-Cenozoic foreland basin. 塔里木盆地是一个由古生代克拉通盆地与中、生代前陆盆地叠合而成的大型叠合盆地。
- The basin underwent superimposition of the Paleozoic cratonic basin and the Ceno Mesozoic foreland basin, in which large scale of paleo uplift and paleo slope were developed. 这是因为塔里木盆地是古生代克拉通盆地与中、新生代前陆盆地的叠合盆地,这两类盆地均可发育大型的古隆起和古斜坡。
- The basin underwent superimposition of the Paleozoic cratonic basin and the Ceno-Mesozoic foreland basin, in which large scale of paleo-uplift and paleo-slope were developed. 这是因为塔里木盆地是古生代克拉通盆地与中、新生代前陆盆地的叠合盆地,这两类盆地均可发育大型的古隆起和古斜坡。
- Keywords multicycle tectonic evolution;composite petroleum system;craton basin;foreland basin;Tarim Basin; 多旋回演化;复合含油气系统;克拉通盆地;前陆盆地;塔里木盆地;
- Keywords craton basin;oil and gas microleakage;hydrocarbon anomaly;organic matter maturity; 克拉通盆地;油气垂向微渗漏;烃异常;有机质成熟度;
- The metal basin clattered down the stone stairs. 金属盆子沿着石阶滚了下去,发出咣啷声。
- The basin was brim-full (of water). 盆(里的水)已经满到边了。
- Tarim Basin is a superimposed and composite basin of numerous proto type basins combosed of the Paleozoic cratonic basins and Meso Cenozoic foreland basins. 全面系统地总结并提出塔里木盆地10大石油地质基本特征:(1)塔里木盆地为一古生界克拉通盆地与中新生界前陆盆地组成的大型叠合复合型盆地;
- How fast does the new micro process the data? 这新微型计算机处理数据有多快?
- He first poured some water in the basin. 他先在脸盆里倒了一些水。
- The basin is made of synthetic resin. 这个盆是用合成树脂做的。
- This basin is only plate so it's not very valuable. 这个盆子是镀金金属的,所以不太值钱。
- Keywords craton basin;oil and gas exploration;multi-period hydrocarbon generation;multi-period accumulation;reconstruction of oil and gas pools;marine oil and gas; 克拉通盆地;油气勘探;多期生烃;多期成藏;油气藏改造;海相油气;
- We put the sale statistics on to the office micro. 我们把销售统计数字输入办公室的微机电子计算机中。
- A basin for holding baptismal water in a church. 洗礼盆在教室里洗浸时用来盛水的盆
- The formation of various kinds of prototype basins is related to specific geodynamic environments;these basins can be classified into rift basin, foreland basin, strike-slip basin and cratonic basin. 各类原型盆地的形成与地球动力学环境有关,可简化为裂谷盆地、前陆盆地、走滑盆地和克拉通盆地等。
- Ignite the magnesium ribbon using a micro burner. 用微型灯点着镁带。
- The formation of various kinds of prototype basins is related to specific geodynamic environments; these basins can be classified into rift basin, foreland basin, strike-slip basin and cratonic basin. 各类原型盆地的形成与地球动力学环境有关,可简化为裂谷盆地、前陆盆地、走滑盆地和克拉通盆地等。